Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Drugs

Mis-Diagnosed problems in school

Were you told that your child’s problems are behavioral, emotional or disciplinary?
Are you the at-home parent who sees your child having difficulty at school every day?
Are you at your wits end, thinking that psychiatric drugs are the only real “help” for you and/or your child?
Perhaps you may benefit from reading “Nick’s Story”!
Nick was doomed for failure. He was on every psychiatric drug someone could stuff down his throat. Without custody of his son, the dad was left with no options, nothing he could do to save his boy!
Diagnosed with Stress Anxiety Disorder, Clinical Depression, thoughts of suicide, Tourette’s Syndrome and ADHD, the doctor wanted to start putting Nick on Prozac, Zoloft, Ritalin, Dexatrine, and Klonopin. Nick’s dad was certain that the doctor was the one who needed help. No way was he ever going to agree to put his son on these drugs.
Unfortunately, his dad did not have full custody and there was very little that he could do to prevent his son from being on these drugs. When Nick’s dad saw him again, months after being on the drugs, his son got out of the car, all dressed in black, his nails were black, his hair was blue-black and his face was so pale white. His eyes were dark and he even had eyeliner around them. Nick was suspended every 3 days, he had “F’s” in every class. “They” said the drugs were helping him.
Nick’s dad hired a lawyer, got custody of his son and went to find him. He was living in a place not suited for any living being, left “cold turkey” off the drugs. He couldn’t even remember his address and phone number.
The dad promised his son to help him through his schooling, even if it meant the dad would come to class with him and sit right by his side. Many months later, this young boy had achieved a success that he and his dad could never have dreamed of.
Nick was awarded with a certificate, from the principal of the school which says “Top Dog”, presented for outstanding attitude, character and/or making a genuine change for the better and exemplifying the best traits of a student at his school. This was signed by his teacher and the school Principal.This year, as Nick turns 17, he has been moved to the Honors class for his brilliance as a student!
This is one child out of millions who were diagnosed as having learning and behavioral disorders, who could perform well, when safely off the drugs.
Millions of dollars are given in federal funding to our schools every year to pay for the education of disabled children. While the law which brought this about, called Individuals Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was originally intended to help ensure equal education of the physically handicapped, today more than 50% of those children who have been labeled as “disabled” are because of so-called “learning disabilities”.
According to psychiatry, learning disabilities come in many forms, but for the most part these problems are categorized as behavioral, emotional or other health impairments, the vast majority being a condition called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or depression or some other psychiatric label.
ADHD is a so-called disorder which has been on an epidemic increase since 1990, after it was created and voted into existence by American psychiatrists and after the federal government agreed to classify it as a disability under IDEA. It means that the child is more active and his attention is more dispersed than other children in the classroom.
All of the psychiatric labels are determined by subjective criteria. There is no objective, scientific method of determining if a child has one of these so-called “disorders”. There is no brain scan, chemical imbalance test, blood test, x-ray or other scientific method of determining the condition. It is only based on the opinion of a psychologist, psychiatrist or other medical practitioner.
Ask yourself, if you have been told your child has a learning disability, were you shown an actual medical evidenced-based test that shows your child has a learning disability? Was your child diagnosed and labeled after you or your child answered a series of questions that were all subjective?
“Learning disabilities involve subjective diagnosis, not objective medical diagnosis. There is no definitive physically-based definition of learning disability. (“Race and Disability: Racial Bias in Arizona Special Education”, by Mathew Ladner, Goldwater Institute Policy Report #178, March 31, 2003)
“No consistent structural, functional, or chemical neurological marker is found in children with ADHD diagnosis as currently formulated”. (Attention Deficity Hyperactivity Disorder State of the Science-Best Practices, Peter S. Jensen and James R. Cooper, Eds, Civic Research Institute, Kingston, N.J. 2000, p3-7)
Citizens Commission on Human Rights, established in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and by the psychiatrist Dr Thomas Szasz, is a non-profit watchdog organization that works side by side with many like-minded groups and individuals, to give the public factual information on the subject of mental health. There are many non-profit organizations that have formed just to help educate parents and individuals about their right to be fully informed. There are ministers, doctors, parents and more, who are working hard to get the word out about the harmful effects of psychiatric drugs, the lack of science and evidence based medicine behind psychiatry and the valid alternatives to psychiatric drugs.
A new website has been created just for parents to go to and be able to find out more about this subject. Parents from all over the state can go to and learn from other parents what they have been through with their own children. There are parents who are signing up on the site and willing to help advocate in the interest of full and factual information to the public. Take the opportunity to get fully informed!
Call Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Florida 800-782-2878,

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