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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:New Middle East Peace Talks Hinge on U.S. Pressuring Israel to Comply with International Law

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.
New Middle East Peace Talks Hinge on U.S. Pressuring Israel to Comply with International Law

Interview with Osamah Khalil, co-director of the group Al Shabaka, conducted by Scott Harris

After several months of stalled peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, the Obama administration is hoping to broker a deal for a 90-day construction freeze, temporarily halting Israel's expansion of West bank settlements. This would exclude East Jerusalem, and the U.S. is reportedly offering Israel concessions including a pledge not to seek any further construction freezes, the sale of 20 advanced U.S. fighter jets, acceptance of Israeli forces in the Jordan Valley and a commitment to oppose international efforts to impose a political solution on Israel. Story continues

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