Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Education

It Simply Is Not Adequate

So here we are, back at legislation as usual, whatever that really is, and the new Congress is up to the same old nonsense they were up to the last two years. They are posturing, bickering and jostling for position all for what’s to come over the next two years. There is threatening, infighting and brash talk about what will and will not be tolerated. Battle lines have been drawn.


Over the last two years things have been exactly that way. There has been no difference whatsoever for what is being thrown around now. Sure, there are new faces, especially on the Republican side this year, and that’s true. They were sent in on a mandate to clean up government and mold it in a conservative form. At least in the House of Representatives, as the Senate is still Democratic. Americans decided they did not want a repeat of 1994, not this year, no way, no how. No matter how you look at it, that’s what the decision was.

Numerically there is more balance now; however, that does not guarantee a higher quality, more well-rounded level of legislation will be borne. When President Obama was elected Republicans promised to stop the bickering and to come together, putting aside differences. What developed, as we all know, over the next roughly two years, was anything but a coming together. Somehow, it was believed, this president was different. There was just something about him, which to many seemed to set off something visceral. It happened right from the start and continues through to today.

There was also the development of the Tea Party, which seemed to really control what moderate Republicans did or thought from August of 2009 on. In fact, it’s safe to say the Republican establishment caved to their wants and simply refused to cooperate on anything. The face on the target was Barack Obama’s and they went after him with bloodthirsty revel. They did this by refusing to back anything he did. Thus, over the past two years nothing got done.

The Democratic Party took a “shellacking” in the House, but in many ways the Republicans proved just how vulnerable and directionless they had become since 2008. The void in mandate was filled in by the stronger upstarts without the Washington clout, but with a voice – a unified voice. Democrats were bailing on their promises left and right and there was but one consistent voice ringing through it all.

That was the voice of the Tea Party – they became the deciders for those confused. People chose to either join them because they liked the message or felt moved by the emotion, or they were turned off and soured on politics. This set up the mood on the part of many for a very conservative prescription for change as a continuation of the desire to switch the focus of the establishment from big corporation focused to little guy focused.

The Tea Party Republicans are now setting up very hard and fast lines in Washington, and the larger Republican Party are following their lead. If things keep going that way we are sure to see another two years of the same thing - meaning nothing. Though, this time the focus cannot be solely on Democrats. There really will be no cry baby excuses about majorities accepted.

The people spoke and handed out a very clear mandate for bi-partisanship. They told Democrats they needed to listen to the right, but told the right they will not get sole power. The right was handed a mandate to listen. Were that not the case more than just under a dozen true fresh Tea Party Republicans would have gotten in. It would have been a clean sweep. It was not.

The American public drew up a recipe with a dash of this and a dash of that. Some of the old and some new ingredients were included. These were handed to Washington as ingredients and utensils they may work with. We’ll have to see what they will do with them. We must hope they will do the right thing. But, the bickering, fighting and squabbling over scraps which took place over the last two years will not do.

Unfortunately, they are already starting out on the wrong foot to address the bigger picture. That simply will not be adequate to meet the expectations of the larger mandate.

To read about my inspiration for this article go to


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