LOCAL News :: Animal Rights
Reportback from American College of Toxicology/HLS protest
The campaign to force the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel to cancel the American College of Toxicology convention did not succeed, so protesters showed up-and security and cops were most displeased about bullhorns at the hotel. They also acted as if they feared an invasion, given that Huntingdon Life Sciences was directly present at the convention. Remember, it took three go-arounds to shut down the AmeriKKKan Renaissance Conference, so it’s no suprise the first time against ACT would not shut them down. Baltimore police also tried and failed to intimidate protesters out of shooting this video:

Below is a transcript of the audio report broadcast in DC by WSQT Direct Action Radio:
On the 7th of November, the American College of Toxicology met at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel. At this cenvention were a number of animal “research” firms including puppy-killing Huntingdon Life Sciences, where undercover investigations have caught so-called researchers punchign beagle puppies in the face and dissecting live monkeys with no painkillers of any kind. A blizzard of phone calls forced the hotel to agree never to host this convention again, but they refused to cancel, so animal right protesters showed up outside.
(Clip-whe’re out here today because…)
At first, protesters used powerful bullhorns in front of the hotel, but Baltimore cops threatend to arrest them for sound equipment even though there is no law prohibiting it’s use, and even tried to intimidate protesters out of recording this exchange:
All those threats didn’t work-you just heard these cops right here, and the protests went on for at least a half hour after that confrontation. In the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel,for the American College of Toxicology and for Huntingdon Life Sciences, theres…No sleep for the wicked!