Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism : Africa : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Race and Ethnicity

One People! One Party! One Destiny!

Political Report to the 5th Congress of the African People's Socialist Party, by Omali Yeshitela.

"One People! One Party! One Destiny!" is the guide to African Revolution in the twenty-first century. It contains the visionary Political Report to the Fifth Congress of the African People's Socialist Party, as well as solidarity statements and Party-to-Party salutes from around the world.

It provides brilliant leadership on the critical issues facing anti-imperialists today, including:

* The crisis of imperialism in the era of Obama
* The legacy of Marcus Garvey - "Africa for Africans, at home and abroad"
* Critique of Pan-Africanism and the role of the African petty bourgeoisie
* Reparations - a revolutionary demand
* The basis for Black Power within current U.S. borders
* International unity among colonized peoples
* The role of white people in solidarity with the African liberation struggle
* The role of African women, students and the church in the revolution
* How to build economic and organizational self-reliance
* The function of prisons as modern slave plantations

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