Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Activism

International Solidarity Movement: Help Wanted

The International Solidarity Movement are currently looking for a Media Coordinator to join the team in Ramallah, Palestine. We are looking for someone who has previous media experience and is able to commit a minimum of 3 months, ideally 6.

Applications will be interviewed and reference checked and training and guidance will be offered by previous media coordinators. However, applicants are expected to have an existing level skills such as report writing, liaison with international media outlets, and strong interpersonal skills.

Details below. Please forward applications to

[This vacancy has arisen after the current ISM media coordinator had to cut short her work in Palestine due to injury. She was shot in the leg with a tear gas canister at a demonstration in An Nabi Saleh 6 weeks ago, and has since needed two operations to drain a hematoma and then to remove tissue that became infected, probably due to the chemicals on the canister. Hopefully the muscle damage will not prove permanent.]

All the Best,


Media coordinator needed

The International Solidarity Movement is actively seeking a qualified media coordinator for the West Bank.

Description of responsibilities:

Media coordinator will be responsible for writing press releases, organizing press conferences and maintaining contact with reporters, collecting and editing reports from ISM activists, updating the website, researching and writing reports on various current events, maintaining the ISM email account, etc. Media coordinator will be responsible for both West Bank and Gaza ISM media. This list is by no means a complete summary of activities, as the situation is continually changing.

Applicants must:

- Be available to stay at least three months, with a six month commitment preferred (visas permitting)

- Have relevant media experience

- Have relevant background knowledge and support for the Palestinian struggle

- Be fluent in English

- Be motivated and have strong interpersonal skills

- Be very flexible

- Be able to come as soon as possible, preferably in September


- Experience working in non-hierarchical groups

- Experience in activism

- Arabic language skills

Coordinator will be offered free accommodation and will receive a small stipend.

If interested, please write a brief statement (approximately one A4 page) outlining experience and interest.

Applicants should not include personal details such as full name with application.

Applicants should apply by September 23rd.

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