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Baltimore IMC

News :: Globalization

Update From the IMF Resistance Network

Greetings from the IMF Resistance Network! With five weeks to go, interest in the October demo is increasing around the world. Sign up for our announcement list at

- The nice people at Occupied London have reposted our call. Check it out at
- We have confirmation that the dates of the meetings have changed. The new dates are October 8 - 10, with seminars on the seventh.

- Tentative schedule in place. Times and particularly places are subject to change, and more events and details will be filled in in the coming days.

Thursday, October 7: Student day of action. This is being organized by Defend Education and various radical students in DC.

Friday, October 8: Jubilee USA ( is organizing a permitted march, to be followed by a block party in Washington Circle featuring food, workshops and trainings. There will be an anti-capitalist night of action Friday night.

Saturday, October 9: Festival at the Ellipse (a park in DC near the Capitol). Music, art and magic.

Sunday, October 10: Nothing yet, get in touch at if your group would like to organize something.

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