News :: Civil & Human Rights
Rally to Free Diop Olugbala!
A rally to show unity with the struggle to free Diop Olugbala is planned for Monday, August 23, 2010, at North Broad Street and Erie Avenue in North Philadelphia.

The rally is being organized by International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM), along with our allies: the Dollar Boyz, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu Jamal, New Afrikan Liberation Front, New Black Panther Party, the Poor Righteous Party of the Black Nation, African People’s Solidarity Committee and Uhuru Solidarity Movement.
Every African who is tired of white power terrorizing our communities is urged to attend.
Before organizing in Philadelphia, Olugbala received worldwide media coverage when he publicly challenged then-candidate Barack Obama during a 2008 campaign event in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Olugbala demanded to know why Obama would not denounce police violence and economic exploitation in African communities in the U.S. He raised a banner and led a chant, “What about the black community, Obama?”
Diop Olugbala, now president of InPDUM, was attacked and arrested by police during a city council meeting. He is accused of carrying a sign that called for Africans to resist the war that the City of Philadelphia wages against our community.
Mayor Michael Nutter has a $1.1 billion budget to spend on police, prisons and courts that beat down the African community. Diop now faces charges of aggravated assault on police, even though it was the police who attacked him!
The state wants Diop off the streets because he is leading the struggle to expose white power in black face and is organizing genuine African resistance.
The people need Diop on the streets for the same reason!
The reality is that the attacks on Diop and the Uhuru Movement represent an attack on the entire African community–especially our youth. In Philadelphia and around the country, Africans are suffering more and more frequent police attacks.
The struggle to free Diop is part of the struggle to defend the rights of Africans to resist. The August 23 (the day before Diop’s trial) rally will highlight Diop’s case, and the cases of three other Africans who have been similarly and wrongly accused. These cases are:
Melissa Hurling, 26, a strong sister and daughter of InPDUM Philadelphia Branch Membership Coordinator Melony Hurling. Melissa was attacked by police in her West Philly neighborhood when she came to the defense of her mother and several young Africans who also were being harassed.
Melissa follows in her mother’s footsteps through her righteous resistance against the state’s attempts to brutalize and criminalize her.
Top Dollar, 21, leader and founder of the popular Philly-based youth organization Dollar Boyz, was attacked by the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority police at the Broad and Cecil B. Moore subway station, as he was taking a group of young members home from a dance performance.
Top defended himself from police brutality and is now facing criminal charges.
Darryl Anderson, 19, a brother who was attacked by a cop while walking home in West Philadelphia. The same cop also spit on a woman who tried to come to Darryl’s defense.
Darryl faces charges of aggravated assault on the cop, even though the cop attacked him!
Come to Diop’s trial. Take a stand on the right side of justice, for all of these young people.
What You Can Do To Support Diop’s Trial:
1. Call judge Roxanne Covington (215-683-7142) every Monday with the following demand:
"I am calling to oppose the City of Philadelphia’s efforts to convict Diop Olugbala, also known as Wali Rahman, with the trumped up felony charge of aggravated assault on police. His arrest represents an attack on the rights of African people to free speech and economic development. I stand with the demand that all charges against Wali Rahman be dropped immediately.”
2. Call district attorney Seth Williams (215-686-8000) and demand all charges against Wali Rahman be dropped and that the police who attacked him be prosecuted.
3. Attend the trial.
Tuesday, August 24, 9am
Criminal Justice Center (13th and Filbert), Room 804
4. Join InPDUM. Visit today.