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sexual problems in men and women

Superlatively, sexual kind should be a cooperation. In pragmatism, it often depends scheduled relationships, then this causes problematical.
Sexual violation can be roughly on bad term into two categories: the decline or lack of sexual desire and inability to achieve orgasm or erection. Real anorgasmia or impotence occur not often and are the right of Medicine. But the fading of interest in recurring sexual partner - one of the most common complaints. In men, it often comes from the fact that they are simply for the love of sexual tension and sexual attraction. When the voltage is separate, and the desire is happy, often comes frustration. This is why premarital sex - rather good for women because it can test the feelings of men of strength. Trouble can start at any put on, mutually men and women. At first, they may be caused, for example, not enough point of courtship: a woman is not ready. The man can not receive, because it terrify: it too aggressively dragged to bed, although he has not yet matured. In the later stages and cause failures in marriage can be repetitive and of sex and the accumulated irritation with each one other. Sometimes spouses stress-free to say that their problematic is sex, than to admit that their relations are undergoing a resolute crisis. There is a stale phrase: "Men pay for sex marriage, and women pay for marriage sex. Many women make the mistake: they refer to marriage as the fundamental goal. At first they think it will last forever and that they will living with her husband happily ever after. In fact, marriage - is a complex and self-motivated process in which a woman plays the first violin. That's it - "helper" family (not to be muddle with the manipulation of administration). Moreover, from a woman depends on the total soul of man, because he has a deep psychosomatic level, open, morose child, whose attachment to the mother may have a pessimistic manifestations. Lack of family sex meant to him the disappearance of warmth in the relationship and creates a sense of abandonment and alienation. The energy graceful out of an extra relationship and because men tend to fall in love with work, things, hobbies … Participation of women in those of his hobbies makes him feel new affinity and supports sexual attraction to her. In the long refusal to have sex is almost always an element of revenge. Most of the loss of sexual desire is secret anger. Conversation about i'm sorry? you are infuriate, and the causes of irritation are often a good way to regain sexual interest. Clearly, any distraction during sexual intercourse leads to pessimistic consequences. Even the sexual fantasies during sex talk about the inability to achieve full integration with a partner. Any factor, energy drains and reduces sexual desire - be it illness, fatigue, obsessed tension, insomnia … A couple with experience in common often push out sex on one of the last places in the list of priorities. Sex was something so, i'm sorry? they do when everything else has been done - work, sports education, TV, laundry, playing with children. Some partners are loath to sex and unconsciously suppress their sexual feelings, because they are sorry of their bodies or are scared of riding motorcycles and "loose." This secret factor is often the cause of the desire to make love only in the dark or under a obscure, while teammate likes bright light and nudity. Ironically, many women are scared of their sexual fantasies, believing they are too on edge and fearing to startle partner. But this issue discuss with him. Perhaps he intuitively felt in your high sexuality, and this very attracted him to you. Sometimes women living in this hell for a panic fear of sex ("pornofobiya). In contrast to male fears and complexes, women's fears at several age stages is quite easy to formulate and, most importantly, to overcome. This is done with the help of the therapist. how to extend the sense Nowdays sexual problems may be often treated with pills such as Viagra Sildenafil for men and Womenra for women it may seem stock sound, honest discussion of sexual difficulties - one of the best ways to overcome them. Men and women who require relentless clarification: it can be compared with how the right direction to reconcile their compass. So, if you know i'm sorry? excites you, you should talk about this partner. If you still do not know i'm sorry? could revive your passion, then you must make an effort to find out. No slow do you entice one an extra, establishing a strong relationship? It happens to most people. Unanticipated little gifts that say "I thought about you", smile, a passing kiss on the cheek or a light slap on the pope, when you encounter each one other at internal, also evoke passionate feelings. It is also of great magnitude from phase to phase to look at each one other with fresh eyes, rather than take each one other for granted. (This is sometimes enough to change the situation for long.) Novelty creates interest and excitement at any age, if you mutually make the needed effort. Use a feather instead of fingers, caressing each one other. Take the scented oil, and arrange each one other a physical full body massage. Take pictures of each one other naked in sexual poses and share pictures. A massive number of women reception a lot of passionate experiences to sexual contact with a partner, discovers that the transition relations on a secure basis relation disappears. Pique sex without courtship and foreplay, they gradually become uncaring or even deny their partners. You need to convince the man that relation - not crazy whim. This is something needed for you to feel sexual with him. Changes in the bed it should be discussed, the decision must necessarily be pool. Here is a quote from an interview with a man: "I sleep with my wife for 10 years. Because it is my select and I know why and for whom I was matrimonial. And if I suddenly see her in a harness from the sex shop, it's me miserable. I understand that a fool and something did not understand and did not notice. Why else would it translate our relationship to an extra, minor level? "I begin to blame ourselves, and nothing good will come of it." It is of great magnitude to be intelligent to be sexual, and not use sex as a weapon. Sexual attraction - a resolute. Sexuality - a dialogue not only at the raw level, but also psychologically. No need to arrange representation. You do not need to do something special, do not need to "try". Just allow yourself to dip into their feelings and be pure. It is of great magnitude to trust your impulses (or lack thereof), but in no case can not ignore the impulses partner. As analysts say, sexy - not leisure and pastime. This is the sense of soul. Sexual energy is worn not only for procreation, but also is an of great magnitude engine of progress, and in all areas of individual soul. Oversee it can achieve phenomenal results. This is proven writers, artists, athletes, and respect it equally mutually men and women. Try to use this energy, and you will find yourself with a new party.

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