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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Elections & Legislation


The people's initiative is victorious. Power to the people!
The long-shot attempt to democratize Baltimore's entrenched City Council is successful! Question P, the people's initiative, passed by a wide margin. On Tuesday, November 5 Baltimore residents spoke loud and clear.

They voted for a smaller city council composed of 14 single-member districts and a president elected at-large. CLUB (Community and Labor United for Baltimore) pulled off a major political upset the likes of which hasn't been seen for years in Baltimore.

CLUB's members, ACORN, AFSCME, the Greens, Fire Officers, and the League of Women Voters, took on the entire political establishment and emerged victorious. Jubilant and astounded at their success, they celebrated at a post-election party at the AFSCME union building. They all understood the significance of their accomplishment.

They changed the political landscape in this city and made experienced politicians look like idiots. The present city council members, the mayor, former mayors, and a former and present council president fought against the initiative with lies and scare tactics that failed miserably. The voters saw through their lies and voted for a major change. CLUB is already starting to think about who they can run for the city council.

This was a tremendous victory. Congratulations to CLUB for their vision and their success and congratulations to all their supporters and to the voters for their intelligence. This was a people's campaign from beginning to end and its success will reverberate for years.

This is the start of reforming the city council and CLUB and many others hope that this signals significant change in the way this city is governed and power is allocated. For once the people won and it sure feels great!

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