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Vote To Prevent War?

Vote to Prevent War?
Vote to Prevent War
on Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,
Columbia, Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba,
North Korea, China, Russia, ... and
Everyone Left Of Ultra Right?

2002 November 05

Big Picture Theory [V1 12002.]
Past History
Trends In The Past History
Present Situation Now
Possible Or Desirable Futures
Paths To Those Futures

This Theory is one of many possible
models, simulations, sketches or outlines of realty;
always flawed, no matter how small,
and never to be confused with
A Legal Fact or The Word of GOD.

This is a Public Domain Theory,
no copyright is implied or sought.
You may copy or use, any part,
and use it as you see fit.

Please send this Theory to all on your email list,
Thank You!


for the next 10 years,
the USA deliberately provoked Mexico
into War.

USA Congress voted 7% NO to 93% YES (14 to 174)
USA Senate voted 5% NO to 95% YES ( 2 to 40)
for a War Resolution and Appropriations
to use aggressive USA military force,
to conquer or take
about 50% of Mexico
and make it part of
what is now the United States of;
New Mexico,
part of Colorado,
Nevada, and
California (Rich Farm Land, Water,
Wood to build Corporate ships,
and Sea Ports for global trade and a Navy fleet
to protect the Corporation's ships).
At the same time
the USA claimed "We Take Nothing by Conquest, Thank God".
[ ] "The Worlds's Most Dangerous Man"
with Daniel Ellsberg (Archived Radio Interview)
[ ]We Take Nothing by Conquest, Thank God
Chapter 8 in A People's History of the United States
1492 to the Present by Howard Zinn 1980, 1995, 2001
[ ] Secrets:
A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers
by Daniel Ellsberg (book)
[ ]We Take Nothing by Conquest, Thank God
Chapter 8 in A People's History of the United States
1492 to the Present by Howard Zinn 1980, 1995, 2001
[ ] Tonkin Gulf: August 1964

The USA Oil Corporations,
lobbied and made campaign contributions to
the USA Government
to use middle class tax payers money
to subsidize the USA Oil Corporations
research, exploration, development,
production, distribution,
and USA military protection of Oil
as a strategic War material,
used to power most military equipment,
and power the economy of the USA
it was deemed essential to
the USA's National Security.
They also made it very difficult
for any alternative to fossil fuels
to compete with Oil.

Corporate "leverage" is when
a 600,000 dollar political bribe
returns a 9,000,000,000 dollar subsidy,
for a 8,000,400,000 profit.
The Rich and their Corporations pay few taxes
so the middle class tax payer supported
a USA Corporate Welfare program for the Rich.
A wealth redistribution program.

The USA Oil Corporations,
used their wealth to buy up and control
the research, development, production and distribution
of solar photovoltaic electric power,
a clean renewable energy source replacement
to the polluting nonrenewable fossil fuels like Oil.
[ ] Owning The Sun
Who Owns The Sun?
by Ralph Nader

2002 Oct. 10
USA Congress voted 31% NO to 69% YES (133 to 296)
USA Senate voted 23% NO to 77% YES ( 23 to 77)
for a War Resolution and Appropriations
to use aggressive USA military force,
to conquer or take
about 100% of Iraq
[ ] H.J. Res. 114
[ ] S.J. Res. 45
[ ] "The Worlds's Most Dangerous Man"
with Daniel Ellsberg (Archived Radio Interview)
[ ] Secrets:
A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers
by Daniel Ellsberg (book)
[ ] Tonkin Gulf: August 1964
[ ]What A Wonderful World
[ ] Bowling For Columbine
by Michael Moore (Film now showing at movie theaters)
[ ] A People's History of the United States
1492 to the Present by Howard Zinn 1980, 1995, 2001
[ ]

2000 Nov.
The Republican Party is in control of the USA:
Supreme Court
Continuity Of Government (Shadow Government & Bomb Shelters)
Special Operations (who have assassinated elected leaders)
National Security Agency

The Republican Party only needs
one more Republican Senator
to take control of the Senate
and then they can easily gain control of
the Court of Appeals, CIA, FBI, etc.
Creating a Public Government
controlled by one Political Party.

2000 Nov. 30
[ ] Bomb discovered in Colombia
before visit of U.S. senator, ambassador
CNN News December 1, 2000
[ ] Coincidence?
Bombs Found During U.S. Senator's Colombia Visit,
But Officials Deny Assassination Plot
ABC News Dec. 17 2000
(U.S., Colombia, Deny Assassination Attempt)
[ ]

2000 Dec. 01

2001 May 25
[ ] Democratic Senator to be Assassinated Soon.?
Assassination teams actively preparing hit

2002 Oct. 10
USA Congress voted 31% NO to 69% YES (133 to 296)
USA Senate voted 23% NO to 77% YES ( 23 to 77)
for a War Resolution and Appropriations
to use aggressive USA military force,
to conquer or take
about 100% of Iraq
[ ] H.J. Res. 114
[ ] S.J. Res. 45
[ ] "The Worlds's Most Dangerous Man"
with Daniel Ellsberg (Archived Radio Interview)
[ ] Secrets:
A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers
by Daniel Ellsberg (book)
[ ] Tonkin Gulf: August 1964
[ ]What A Wonderful World
[ ] Bowling For Columbine
by Michael Moore (Film now showing at movie theaters)
[ ] A People's History of the United States
1492 to the Present by Howard Zinn 1980, 1995, 2001
[ ]

2002 October 22
The Republicans in the White House Celebrate
"...The White House ...
apparently expects Christmas in November.
... it is so confident ...
it has already given business lobbyists
the gift they want most:
an end to ... corporate reform ..."
The Stock Market has been going up, ever since.
[ ]Business as Usual
October 22, 2002
[ ] [Corporate reform is dead]
by Molly Ivins
OCTOBER 24, 2002
[ ] Springtime for Hitler
October 18, 2002

2002 Oct. 25
[ ] Wellstone death throws election into chaos
CNN News October 25 2002
[ ] Shaken Election
Wellstone?s Death Throws Senate Balance Into Doubt
By Marc Ambinder
ABC News October 25 2002
[ ] Wellstone made mark as liberal champion
CNN News October 25 2002
[ ] ... Wellstone took stands on principle
Sen. Wellstone Killed in Crash
Minnesota Democrat's Plane Crashes; All Eight Aboard Die
ABC News October 25 2002

Accident rate for the Beech King Air 100 airplane
is very low.
Accident rate within 2mi of Airport
is very low.
An Accident is very improbable.
[ ]Beech King Air 100
A Workhorse for the Corporate and Charter Fleet
[ ] How Aircraft Can Be Caused to Crash
In Conditions Of Low Ceiling/Visibility
[ ] "Senator Wellstone Assassinated
by group linked to BUSH Sr."
[ ] Foul play suspected in Wellstone death
(portland indymedia feature)


A very small number of people
who have controlled the USA
over the past 49 years
(The Super Rich, The Rich, The Corporate CEOs,
Republican Party Leaders, Democrat Party Leaders,
Government Leaders, and Military Leaders)
have removed by any means necessary,
Democratically elected Government leaders
replaced them with Dictators who,
Terrorized, Scared Off, Enslaved or Killed
Everyone Left Of Ultra Right,
and took their resources
(Oil, land, homes, jobs, etc.).
At the same time
they claimed they were
establishing Democracies,
Freedom To Chose, and Developing a Nation.
Please note:
The Rich and Super Rich
are composed of different groups;
families and individuals.
There exists a very small subset
of the Rich and Super Rich
who are honestly fighting Fascism.
They are at risk for doing so.
Any reference to the Rich or Super Rich,
only pertains to the Fascist groups,
not the small anti-Fascist group.
[ ]What A Wonderful World
[ ] Bowling For Columbine
by Michael Moore (Film now showing at movie theaters)
[ ] A People's History of the United States
1492 to the Present
by Howard Zinn 1980, 1995, 2001

USA Fascism:
The Super Rich control Corporations that
control both Political Parties that
control Public Government that
control the Military and Police that
control the Public.
The Super Rich decide who will be the candidates
we get to vote for,
and they control the political campaign money
candidates need to run for office.
The Public does not usually control Public Government
but from time to time,
did temporally get back in control,
when the USA Public
got an accurate Big Picture of what was going on
turned out at the polls in large numbers
and voted as if their life depended on it.
In the Florida 2000 elections,
even that was not enough.
The Republicans who normally cried States Rights,
used their 4 Republican to 3 Democrat majority
in the Supreme Court to override Florida States Rights.
The Election Commission composed of
only 3 Republicans and 3 Democrats,
needed a simple majority vote
of at least 1 Republican plus 3 Democrats
to decide to take action on a Florida Voters complaint
against the Florida Republican Party.
The 3 Republicans voted not to take action on the complaints
a simple majority was not archived and
thousands of complaints were dismissed.
[ ] Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election
1 800 847 9835 (video)
[ ] Springtime for Hitler
October 18, 2002
[ ] The Best Reawakens
by Martin Lee
[ ] Old Nazis, The Republican Party, and the New Right
by Chip Berlet
[ ] American Swastika
by Charles Higham
[ ] Trading With The Enemy
by Charles Higham

With the breakup of the USSR 12 years ago,
The Wealthy had no need for a strong USA Public
to fight the nonexistent Communist threat.
The Rich came to perceive
they did not need the Public
that they could do much better
by stealing the Public's Resources
(privatization, redistribution of resources,
taking the pension funds, not paying taxes,
using tax money to subsidize their Corporations, etc.)
and ignore the needs of the Public,
than by reinvesting the Public's Resources
(taxes, water, energy, land, children, etc.),
into Public infrastructure such as
Public Welfare, Public Schools, Public Health Care,
Public Housing, Public Social Security, Pension Funds, Public Jobs,
Public regulation of Corporations for Public Common Good, etc.

The few Rich became Super Rich.
But the Rich and Super Rich don't pay much tax.
The few Corporations became Richer.
But the Corporations don't pay much tax.
The old middle class disappeared becoming
the new poor.
But the middle class paid most of the taxes.
The old poor disappeared becoming
the new homeless, new jail inmates or new military recruits
in a never ending War On Terrorism (on poor people who rebel).
But the poor did disproportional pay taxes,
they could not afford,
it just does not amount to much.
The old homeless and old jail inmates disappeared becoming

the new prematurely dead
from exposure, illness, hunger, lack of resources, etc.
As a result the USA Government
has less and less tax money,
to pay for essential services,
like schools, hospitals, employees, etc.,
to fulfil the Constitution of The United States.
This is a true threat to the USA National Security.
[ ] For Richer
October 20, 2002

Half of the World's oil (hydrogen-carbon molecules)
had been used up and turned into the Green House Gases;
CO2 (carbon dioxide) and
H2O (hydrogen dioxide, water vapor).
When sunlight hits the Earth it is turned into heat.
These two Green House Gases trap that heat
and stop it from leaving the Earth.
The Earth gets hotter and hotter.
These two gasses are a major cause of Global Warming,
eventually resulting in; large changes in Global Weather,
changes in where rain falls and how much rain falls,
a failure of the World's food supply,
Global starvation, plaques, illness, and mass extinctions.
Life on Earth spent Billions of Years
removing Carbon from the atmosphere and
safely storing it underground.
The sudden quick release of that underground Carbon
as Green House gasses into the atmosphere
is a Weapon of Global Mass Destruction.

When the price of USA Oil has quickly gone up,
the USA economy has quickly gone down.
The Global "End of Cheap Oil"
is almost upon us.
Soon the World price of Oil
will exponentially increase,
USA Fascism will collapse, and
Arab Fascism will take its place.
[ ] The End Of Cheap Oil
Scientific American March 1998 p78(6)

About 60% of the World's remaining oil is located in
Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Kuwait.
The Iraq Oil (312 Billion Barrels of Oil in the Ground)
is almost totally undeveloped and

only capable of being pumped out of the ground at
3 Million Barrels of Oil/Day
but within 2 years could easily be expanded to
6 Million Barrels of Oil/Day
adding just about what the USA needs in 2 years.
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are already at maximum pumping capacity.
Only Iraq can quickly meet the future USA needs for Oil.
Iraq Oil is on flat land, not in rugged mountains.
Iraq Oil is on the tip of the Persian Gulf
very close to the ocean and ships, not isolated far inland.
Iraq Oil is close to the USA, compared to other Oil.
Iraq Oil is very sweet and easily fits USA Oil refineries
with little modification, for a very high yield of gasoline.
Iraq Oil can quickly create huge profits for a long time.
Iraq Oil could quickly and easily make
Saddam Hussein the richest most powerful person on Earth or
keep the USA Super Rich the most powerful people on Earth,
but not both.

Sustaining the growth and spread of USA Fascism
requires ever increasing amounts of fossil fuels
(Oil, coal, natural gas, methane, etc.)
consumed at ever increasing rates,
to power the growth of USA Fascism.
Else USA Fascism will collapse
and be consumed by Arab Fascism
that needs the same fossil fuels
to sustain the growth and spread of Arab Fascism.
At the end of WWII,
Old Nazi Generals receiving CIA money, trained Arafat
and many of the current Middle East Leaders
in terrorist methods
to continue the War against the Jews,
set up and trained Saudi Arabian security and
lobbied the USA for the Saudi Royal Family.
[ ] The Best Reawakens (indexes "Arafat", "Saudi", "Egypt")
by Martin Lee
[ ] The Secret War Against The Jews
by John Loftus
[ ] Old Nazis, The Republican Party, and the New Right
by Chip Berlet
[ ] American Swastika
by Charles Higham
[ ] Trading With The Enemy
by Charles Higham

The few people who control
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Iran, or the USA
do not follow the religions they claim to be guided by.

But they do make PR public appearances
where they pretend to be either Muslim or Christian.
[ ] Democracy Now Radio Show (click on blue "News Headlines")

They do expect everyone else to
closely follow the Muslim or Christian religions.
They want to turn this into a Racist, brown vs. white,
Muslim External Struggle versus a Christian Holly War
to convince poor young people
to sacrifice themselves,
for God or Country.
But these few Rich people
have not equally shared their wealth
with the many mentally or physically damaged
War Veterans of the past, that helped them become Richer.

The USA Public
has been in a Tug Of War, Cold War with
the few who control the USA.
Up until now
the USA Public has
stopped the USA from becoming The Fourth Reich.
Public Protests have increasingly grown larger.

The Bush Administration
provoked Afghanistan
into attacking the USA,
and then looked the other way
on September 11 2001.

The Republicans introduced
a "Blank Check" for the President
to go after anyone he saw as a terrorist
starting with Afghanistan,
who just so happens to have
a great route for a Oil pipeline to transport
the landlocked USA owned Caspian Sea Oil to market.
[ ] S.J.RES. 23 and H.J.RES. 64
To Authorize The Use Of Untied States Armed Forces
Against Those Responsible For The Recent Attacks
Launched Against The United States
(Short Title:) Authorization For Use of Military Force

The Democratic controlled Senate
was able to put some limitations on the "Blank Check".
[ ] S.J.RES. 41 (Congress gets to vote before Bush takes action)

Please note:
"Pentagon officials justified [Gulf War 1]
claiming there was a massive Iraqi military buildup
along the Saudi Arabian border,
... had satellite photos to prove it.
[and] ... refused to release the photos ...
One US official described the oil fields as
'too important to be left to Arabs' ..."
Bio chem weapon shelf life is about 5 years,
and most of Saddam's weapons were destroyed
after the Gulf War, 12 years ago.
When the weapons were blown up or burned,
one of them, Weaponized Pathogenic Mycoplasma,
was spread over a wide area of North America,
200,000 USA Gulf War Vets became ill,
and millions of Iraq people were infected,
and their new born children were deformed.
Saddam is committed to staying in power,
and would never give the USA
an excuse to remove him,
but if cornered and attacked
Saddam may use everything he has.
Saddam does not have long range missiles,
but could use shipping containers
if provoked.
Saddam's military force
is 30% of pre Gulf War 1 strength,
and very vulnerable.
The CIA helped install Saddam in Iraq,
and helped train him in terrorist techniques.
Reagan and Bush Sr. committed treason
and impeachable offences when
they sold Bio Chem Weapons to Saddam.
Most but not all of the evidence
has been blown up, burned or shredded,
except for Saddam's private collection,
and ability to testify in a court of law
or before Congress.
[ ] "The Hidden Wars of Desert Storm",
by Audrey Brohy and Gerard Ungerman (documentary film)
[ ] Spider's Web: The Secret History of
How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq
by Alan Friedman (book)
0553096508 November 1993
[ ] Spider's Web: Bush, Saddam, Thatcher
& the Decade of Deceit
by Alan Friedman (book)
0788166948 December 1999

[ ] Mycoplasma
[ ] Mycoplasma
[ ] Gulf War Vets
[ ] Veterans For Commonsense
[ ] The End Of Cheap Oil
Scientific American March 1998 p78(6)

The Republicans then tried to
expand the definition of terrorist
to cover anyone who
might have Weapons Of Mass Destruction
and might transport them to the USA
but just so happens to have
a large number of underdeveloped Oil fields
with an extremely large amount of Oil
that could easily and quickly be pumped
to meet the USA's insatiable thirst for Oil,
and who has evidence and first hand knowledge of
USA Presidential "high crimes and misdemeanors".
[ ] S.J.RES. 45 by Trent Lott (Republican)
"A Joint Resolution To Authorize The Use Of
United States Armed Forces Against Iraq"
(would allow War to spread beyond Iraq)

The USA Public, by the thousands,
read the newest "Blank Check" and
commented extensively in various forms.
[ ] "A Response To Bush's Proposed Congressional Resolution"
Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies, 28 September 2002

The Democrats introduced their own version
with the same title
but it never come to a vote in the Senate.
[ ] S.J.RES. 47 by Zeil Miller, etc. (Democrat)
"A Joint Resolution To Authorize The Use Of
United States Armed Forces Against Iraq"
(would allow War to spread beyond Iraq)

The week before the Senate vote
on giving the President a new "Blank Check"
to make War on Iraq and anyone else
he sees fit to declare a terrorist,
each USA Senator was receiving
hundreds of telephone calls/day,
thousands of emails/day and
hundreds of letters/day
urging the Senators to vote NO (96%) or YES (4%).
But when the Senators where asked how they planned to vote,
the Senators rarely said NO (12%), preferring YES (88%).
The Corporate Media censored this story about
the difference between the phone calls, emails and letters,
the Senator's votes, and
no evidence Saddam had or would attack the USA.

The USA Public, about 20,000, protested in D.C.
[ ]"On the Eve of the Congressional Vote:
Prominent Americans Declare Opposition to War,
Over 200 Protests Scheduled Nationwide
[ ] (20,000 Protest in D.C.) (search "protest" keyword)

The few who control the USA
responded with
censorship, disinformation, and illegal force.
[ ]

The USA Public responded
October 26 2002
even larger USA Public Protests,
200,000 protestors in D.C.,
and a level of grassroots organizing
not seen since the Vietnam War.
[ ] (search "protest" keyword)

The Corporate Media
responded with disinformation.
[ ] Thousands March in Washington
Against Going to War in Iraq

The USA Public having created
their own news organizations
got the truth to the USA Public
and they hounded the Corporate Media
with calls, email, letter until
the Corporate Media reported the truth.
[ ] Hundreds Of Thousands Protest War ... [in D.C.]...
[ ] Saying "NO" To War ... [200,000 protest in D.C.] ...
[ ] Rally in Washington
Is Said to Invigorate the Antiwar Movement
[ ] Who Do You Believe The New York Times
Or The New York Times?
[ ] Who Do You Believe ...? An Update
[ ] Times, NPR Change Their Take on DC Protests

A few groups are accurately covering
what is happening now and putting it in context.
These groups are grossly underfunded and overworked,
and have been infiltrated and physically attacked.
They do make a few honest mistakes from time to time.
I double check the sources they cite
before using that information
to make a major change in my life
(where I spend my time and money, who I vote for, etc.).
[ ] Democracy Now Radio and TV Show
(one hour five days a week)
(each radio show segment is archived on the web,
just click on the blue titles over the synopses
to start the audio file)
[ ] NOW TV Show by Bill Moyers
(one hour one day a week)
(each show segment and additional info is archived)
[ ] Center For Defense Information
(retired military who know the military situation
and try to tell the Public what's going on now)
[ ] Independent Media
(heavily infiltrated and under attack,
scroll down and look at the left column
for the links to the indymedia center
in a city nearest you for local independent news.
I found the Global and
the best and most accurate sources)
[ ] Common Dreams
[ ] Anti War
[ ] Veterans For Commonsense


1) Hello Peaceful Sunshine, Goodby Oil Wars.
Most People in the USA
desire a Public Government that
Liberates, promotes Peace first and Heals,
not promote Enslavement, War first and Killing.
Most People in the USA
want to live in a Direct Democracy,
not an Empire governed by
an Emperor and One Political Party.
Most People in the USA
want clean renewable Solar Power
like Wind power and Photovoltaics,
not dirty nonrenewable fossil fuels
like Oil and Coal.
Enough of these People in the USA
are Registered to Vote,
Willing to Vote,
but Do Not Vote!

(1) Hello Peaceful Sunshine, Goodby Oil Wars.
The Republican Party already controls the USA:
Supreme Court
Continuity Of Government (Shadow Government & Bomb Shelters)
Special Operations (who have assassinated elected leaders)
National Security Agency

The Republican Party only needs one more Republican Senator
to take control of the Senate
and then they can easily gain control of
the Court of Appeals, CIA, FBI, etc.
Then nothing can stop them from creating
a One Political Party, Empire.
[ ] "The President's Real Goal In Iraq"
by Jay Bookman
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
09-29-2002, page F2, 2473 words
[ ] Bush Advisers Planned Iraq War Since 1990s
by Joe Taglieri, FTW Staff
[ ] Dick Cheney's Song of America
Drafting a plan for global dominance
by David Armstrong
Harper's Magazine Oct. 2002 p76(8)
[ ] Springtime for Hitler
October 18, 2002

Ralph Nader says the Democrats
are not doing their job
of speaking for the Public,
and can?t be trusted.
They need to be pushed into
Helping the Public.
[ ] Ralph Nader November 5 2002
[ ] Open Letter to the Democratic Party
by Ralph Nader
[ ] Veterans For Commonsense

A strong signal needs to be sent
to the Democratic Party
that they have the support of the Public
to stop the War
and stop using Oil.

Phone Calls, Emails, Letters and Public Protest
are not enough,
something more is needed.

There are enough Registered Voters
who don't want War and don't want Oil dependency
to restore a two Party Public Government.
They want to vote. They just don't Vote!

The turning point,
is getting Registered Voters to
Vote on November 05 2002.

The non profit organization, Vote For America
knows how to quickly and inexpensively
get Registered Voters to Vote
on November 05 2002.

All Democrats, Greens, Independents, Libertarians,
true Republicans, and Everyone Left of Ultra Right
need to contact, Vote For America, and volunteer
to get Registered Voters to Vote on November 05 2002
for Democratic Senators and Congress persons.
This sends the message; No War!
[ ] Vote For America
[ ] Bill Moyers
[ ] Michael Moore
[ ] Charles Lewis
[ ] Open Secrets

The Goal is to
get registered Voters to Vote for:

1 Minnesota: Sen. Walter Mondale (D)
2 Missouri: Sen. Jean Carnahan (D)
3 North Carolina: (Sen.) Erskine Bowles (D)
4 Texas: (Sen.) Ron Kirk (D)
5 Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu (D)
6 South Dakota: Sen. Tim Johnson (D)
7 New Hampshire (Sen.) Jeanne Shaheen (D)
8 Arkansas: (Sen.) Mark Pryor (D)
9 Colorado: (Sen.) Tom Strickland (D)
10 Georgia: Sen. Max Cleland (D)
11 New Jersey: Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D)
12 Rhode Island: Sen. Jack Reed (D)
13 Massachusetts: Sen. John F. Kerry (D)
14 Delaware: Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D)

1 South Carolina: (Rep.) Alex Sanders (D)
2 Tennessee: Rep. Bob Clement (D)

1 Florida: (Gov.) Bill McBride (D)

1866 Civil War ends
1868 Black former slaves in Florida
tried to register and vote.
Former Confederate solders
fearing the Black former slaves
would end their control of Florida
passed a law
preventing offenders and former offenders
from registering or voting.
Many of the Black former slaves
were former offenders or
were soon charged with an offence.
[ ] Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election
1 800 847 9835 (video)
[ ] Chapter 9: Slavery Without Submission p198(8)
in A People's History of the United States
1492 to the Present by Howard Zinn 1980, 1995, 2001

1998 Republicans in Florida
revise the old 1868 laws
to require a private corporation
(Database Technologies)
maintain a computer generated
Felon Purge List
of all possible former felons
who might be living in the state of Florida.
The computer program was designed
to use loose parameters
so it was very easy to
falsely accuse registered Democrats
but very difficult to
falsely accuse registered Republicans.
Katheine Harris (Republican Secretary of State)
and Jeb Bush (Republican Governor)
approved the list.

90% of registered Black voters,
in Florida,
vote for Democrats.
The Felon Purge List
is 50% Black Florida Residents.

A name would be included in the Felon Purge List
if it was close enough to
the name of any known felon, committed anywhere.

The first 4 letters of the first name,
had to match.
The middle name, race, or gender
did not have to match.

John Fitzgerald Jackson (none) Felon Texas
Johnny (no middle name) Jackson Jr. (none) Florida
were matched and declared to be the same person.

Johnny Jackson Jr. was put on the Felon Purge List
and could not vote in the State of Florida.

690 persons accused in one Fl. county 100%
33 persons confirmed Felon 5%
657 persons innocent of accusation 95%

That's a 95%, false positive, error rate!

If your name was on the List
you were considered guilty
until you could prove your self innocent,
and not given the resources
to prove your innocents.
Many of the people put on the Felon Purge List

were not notified they were on the List.
Many of the people on the List did not find out
until they went to vote,
and were denied the right to vote.
And even then they were not told exactly why
they could not vote.

Poor people are at an extreme disadvantage,
in this type of situation,
because they can't afford a lawyer,
indigent legal aid has been gutted
by the Republicans since 1980, and
the poor usually work several low pay jobs to survive
so have no energy or time left to
learn to be their own lawyer, and represent them self.
The poor, when they have the resources to vote,
usually vote democratic.

Database Technologies,
the private corporation,
warned the State of Florida
there would be a large number of false positives
if they followed the rules they were given.
The State of Florida responded
that this was OK because;
"We want to capture more names
that possibly aren't matches"
Katheine Harris (Republican Secretary of State)
and Jeb Bush (Republican Governor)
were the Florida State Officers
in charge at this time.

The Felon Purge List
had conviction dates like; "01/30/2007",
meaning the person had not yet been convicted.
The State of Florida's solution
was to take any troublesome Conviction dates,
about 4,000, and blank them out, or not show them.

Of the 8,000 voters on the Felon Purge List
a minimum of 15% had never committed any crime
not even a misdemeanor.
1,200 voters of whom, 50% are Black.
600 voters of whom, 95% would vote Democratic.
570 votes for Gore (.95 x 600 = 570).

2,883 Former Felons from Out of State
who had their voting rights restored in those States,
were put on the Florida Felon Purge List.
Jeb Bush (Republican Governor)
required these Former Felons
who's voting rights had been restored,
to ask Bush's permission, in writing,
to vote in Florida.
The Supreme Court (both USA and Fl.)
had already decided these types of actions
Jeb Bush was taking, was illegal.
Former Felons vote 90% Democrat.
That's 2,594 votes for Gore (2,883 x .90 = 2,594.7).

Of the 6,137,938 votes
cast in the Florida 2000 election
Katheine Harris
(Republican Secretary of State)
declared Bush won the State of Florida
with a margin of 1,784 votes.

But Florida State law is very clear
that when the margin is
less then .5% (30,690 votes)
(6,137,938 x .005 = 30,690.69)
a full Florida State Recount shall be done.
Bush's margin was 1,784 votes
and was less than 30,690 votes.
The recount was never done.
This has nothing to do with the
USA Supreme Court Decision,
or Gore's lawsuit for a partial recount.
This was Florida State Law.
and Katheine Harris
(Republican Secretary of State)
and Jeb Bush (Republican Governor of Florida)
were in charge of making sure the Law was followed.
It is still Florida State Law,
and the full Florida recount
still needs to be done.

There is much much more,
and many more Gore votes.
[ ] Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election
1 800 847 9835 (video)
[ ]

The USA Justice Dept
was not and is not interested.

Since they got away with it,
so far,
and the rewards were so great,
it was only a matter of time before
they would try this again,
on a much larger scale,
over and over again.

Since the 20002 Elections,
for the past 2 years,
the Florida Felon Purge List
has not been corrected
for all those false positives
about 95% (about 57,00 votes)
and those Florida voting rights
have not been restored.

"In 2000, Katherine Harris,
Florida Secretary of State,
ordered county elections officials
to purge 57,000 citizens
from voter registries
as felons not allowed to vote in Florida.
In fact, about 95 percent of these voters
were innocent of crimes ?
but 54 percent were guilty of
being African-American.
"Harris and the state admit that
tens of thousands of black voters
had been wronged, and
with plantation noblesse
have agreed to return them
to the voter rolls ?
at the beginning of 2003 ...
In 2000, the 180,000 'spoiled ballots'
came overwhelmingly from
the blackest, poorest, most Democratic counties.
"Now, the old dogs of ballot-bending
are learning some new tricks.
Before resigning to run for Congress,
Harris leaned hard on the counties
to purchase touch screen voting machines.
But not just any machines.
Harris first authorized the use of machines
by only one company,
Election Systems & Software of Omaha.
It was ES&S machines that were used
in Florida's 2002 primaries and
were plagued by countless breakdowns.
"A report by the state Inspector General says that
the company 'bears major responsibility' for the foul-ups.
An ACLU study found that, once again,
it was Miami-Dade's black voters who were
disproportionately disenfranchised by 'lost votes' ...
Most troubling of all,
some of these practices are going national."
[ ] Who Gets To Vote?
[ ] Jeb Bush's secret weapon
94,000 people on a voter "purge" list -- half of them African-American -- continue to be banned from voting in Florida, even though the state knows the list is wildly inaccurate.
November 1, 2002
By Greg Palast
[ ] Jeb Bush Bars Black Voters from Tuesday Poll
November 1, 2002

Europe is sending
10 International Pole Observers to Florida
for the November 5 2002 election.
[ ] Democracy Now Radio Show (click on blue "News Headlines")
[ ] Center For Democracy

If it's a new Republican President's first midterm election
then the new Republican President's increasing unpopularity
usually transfers to other Republican Party members.
then Republicans usually loose 14 House of Representative seats
and Democrats usually pick up 14 House of Representative seats.
In the last 68 years, this trend has been broken 2 times.
Bush's War on Iraq is very unpopular,
the economy since Bush took office has nose dived,
30% of people's pension funds have disappeared,
many retirees have been forced to go back to work,
hunger has increased, health care coverage has decreased,
air pollution has increased, homelessness has increased,
Corporations have robbed America
of hundreds of Billions of dollars,
the Bush Administration is riddled with scandal
and conflicts of interest, etc..

Democrats picked up House seats
3 consecutive times (1996, 1998, 2000),
4 consecutive times is rare statically.
The current outrage most registered USA voters feel
maybe enough to push this 1 more time.

20 at risk
14 at risk

For Democrats to get a majority and keep control of the Senate
requires keeping 14 at risk seats

House of Representives
Republicans 225 (majority + 7 control of the House)
24 at risk Republicans seem to be ahead
201 safe or likely seats
Democrats 203
13 at risk Democrats seem to be ahead
190 safe or likely seats

For Democrats to get a majority and control of the House
requires keeping 13 at risk seats
and picking up 31 seats for a total of 234 seats

If the Weather is bad then it will take extra effort
to get registered voters to vote for Democrats.

There are many variables
that can nonlinearly interact
to delay the USA Senate election result.
Some of the variables are;
lawsuits, paper ballots to hand count,
ambiguous laws, recounts, and
the Republican dominated USA Supreme Court
arranging the situation so
they pick the next USA Senators.
The Senate election results
may be available as early as November 7
or as late as December 22 2002.

After the election results are known
these same Voters need to
protest, call, email, and visit
the Democrat Party and
the Democrats in the Senate and Congress
to get the political favor returned,
and demand;
(A) Stop the War NOW!
disarm Iraq,
stop destroying Iraq
and it's people,
help Iraq rebuild it self
and welcome Iraq back into
the World community,
as a Matter Of National Security
and Of The Highest Priority.
(B) Start an emergency crash program
to subsidize a Public Works Program
to research, develop, produce, and distribute
clean renewable Solar Power, Nation Wide,
as a Matter Of National Security
and Of The Next Highest Priority
to create Energy Independence
from Fossil Fuels
as soon as possible
using Wind power, Photovoltaics, etc..
The cost of this renewable energy
shall be less than the cost
of any other energy source
at any place in the USA.
The Federal Government shall order
emergency full scale
research, development, production and distribution of
mass public transportation
(trolley, electric light and heavy rail trains, etc.)
based on these renewable energy sources,
as soon as possible.
The cost of such public mass transportation
shall be free to all riders
at all times and places,
and shall be more convenient and available
than private transportation
at all times and places.
The Federal Government
shall go into debt to finance this Program,
and get the job done as soon as possible
using all legal means at its disposal,
including the impeachment of
the President of the USA
if he attempts to stop or delay the Program.
(C) Stop the use of
Fossil Fuels
as soon as possible
as a Matter Of National Security
and Of The Next Highest Priority.
(D) Remove the Carbon from the Earth's atmosphere
and store it underground,
as soon as possible
as a Matter Of National Security
and Of The Next Highest Priority.
(E) Give this renewable energy technology
to all other nations
to help them stop their use of fossil fuels.

This will assure
the collapse of USA Fascism and Arab Fascism
since both forms of Fascism
are heavily dependent on fossil fuels
and the USA buys most of its Oil from
China and French middle men
who buy it directly from

Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

Goodby Oil Wars, hello Peaceful Sunshine.

(2) Armageddon; a finial decisive Global War
by USA Fascism against
Arab Fascism, Communism, Socialism,
and Everyone Left Of Ultra Right.
The few who currently control the USA
desire "A Thousand Year Reich (Empire)"
to sustain the growth and spread of USA Fascism.
Their Corporate Media amplifies and distributes
their desired future in a nice PR format
as if it was the only possible Future.
[ ] "The President's Real Goal In Iraq"
by Jay Bookman
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
09-29-2002, page F2, 2473 words
[ ] Bush Advisers Planned Iraq War Since 1990s
by Joe Taglieri, FTW Staff
[ ] Dick Cheney's Song of America
Drafting a plan for global dominance
by David Armstrong
Harper's Magazine Oct. 2002 p76(8)
[ ] Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election
1 800 847 9835 (video)
[ ] Springtime for Hitler

October 18, 2002
[ ] The Best Reawakens
by Martin Lee
[ ] The Secret War Against The Jews
by John Loftus
[ ] Old Nazis, The Republican Party, and the New Right
by Chip Berlet
[ ] American Swastika
by Charles Higham
[ ] Trading With The Enemy
by Charles Higham

(2) Armageddon; a finial decisive Global War
by USA Fascism against
Arab Fascism, Communism, Socialism,
and Everyone Left Of Ultra Right.
Sustaining the growth and spread of USA Fascism
requires ever increasing amounts of fossil fuels
(oil, natural gas, coal, methane, etc.)
consumed at ever increasing rates,
to power the growth of USA Fascism.

The Super Rich want to
move quickly and decisively
to keep increasing the flow of Oil
to keep USA Fascism from stalling,
and this requires moving quickly and decisively
to World Conquest, and a Forth Reich or Global Empire.
The Super Rich want to
replace the slow USA Public Government
run by two Political Parties,
with One Political Party control of Public Government.
They like the 10 year old Republican Plan for World Conquest.
[ ] "The President's Real Goal In Iraq" Jay Bookman
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: 09-29-2002, page F2, 2473 words
[ ] Bush Advisers Planned Iraq War Since 1990s
by Joe Taglieri, FTW Staff
[ ] Dick Cheney's Song of America
Drafting a plan for global dominance
by David Armstrong
Harper's Magazine Oct. 2002 p76(8)

The Republican Party already controls the USA:
Supreme Court
Continuity Of Government (Shadow Government & Bomb Shelters)
Special Operations (who have assassinated elected leaders)
National Security Agency

The Republican Party only needs one more Senator
to control the Senate
and then can easily gain control of
the Court of Appeals, CIA, FBI, etc.

The Republican Party plans on taking control of the Senate.

Once the tools for Empire are in place
Capitalism will maximize control and then profit by:

(a) Taking an abundant resource
(oil, natural gas, coal, methane, etc.)
when the price is low ("buy low") or
by aggressive military force (at tax payers expense)

The entire fossil fuel resources of other Nations,
(Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Columbia, Russia, etc.),
will be taken to sustain the growth of USA Fascism.

The combined strategy of;
your either with us or the terrorist,
with preemptive first strike,
as an excuse for taking a Nations resources
will cause other Nations to expect
they will eventually be the next target of the USA military.
The USA will be viewed as aggressive and hostel
bent on World Conquest to install a Forth Reich or World Empire.
A new arms race will take place at lighting speed, Globally.
Many Nations will be forced to quickly install
Doomsday Devices using Weapons Of Mass Destruction
automatically triggered by a USA preemptive first strike,
to assure MAD Mutually Assured Destruction
to prevent a USA preemptive first strike.
If I'm going to be eliminated, then so are you!
[ ] The Evolution Of Cooperation
by David Axelrod

Before Iraq can install such a Doomsday Device,
The USA will try to launch
a preemptive first strike on Iraq.
Before Pakistan can install such a Doomsday Device,
India will try to launch
a preemptive first strike on Pakistan.
Before the Arab Nations can install such a Doomsday Device,
Israeli will try to launch
a preemptive first strike on the Arab Nations.
World Peace may quickly unravel into Armageddon, World War 3.

The War on Afghanistan
was for a USA controlled Afghanistan Oil pipeline
to move USA owned Caspian Sea Oil
from its isolated location to market,
and continue the USA encirclement of Russia.

The next War will be for control of the Iraq Oil.
Then Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
will be taken to get more Oil,
end the threat of Arab Fascism
and advance the encirclement of Russia and China.
Then War on Columbia, Brazil, Venezuela and Cuba
to get more Oil and resources, and
remove the threat of South American Socialism and Communism.
Then War on China and North Korea,
to get more resources
and remove the threat of Eastern Socialism and Communism.
Finally a USA War on Russia
using space based ground penetrating mini nukes
to simultaneously destroy
the Russian Doomsday devices already in place
to neutralize MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) and
destroy the Russian Continuity Of Government underground system,
and then take more Oil and resources.
The rest of the smaller countries will simply surrender.
"... and tomorrow the World!"
[ ] Beyond the Limits:
Confronting Global Collapse, Envisioning a Sustainable Future
by Donella H. Meadows
[ ] Resource Wars
by Michael T. Klare (book)
[ ] Resource Wars (interview)
with Michael T. Klare
[ ] The President's Real Goal In Iraq (article) Jay Bookman
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: 09-29-2002, page F2, 2473 words
[ ] Bush Advisers Planned Iraq War Since 1990s
by Joe Taglieri, FTW Staff
[ ] Dick Cheney's Song of America
Drafting a plan for global dominance
by David Armstrong
Harper's Magazine Oct. 2002 p76(8)
[ ] Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election
1 800 847 9835 (video)
[ ] Springtime for Hitler
October 18, 2002
[ ] The Best Reawakens
by Martin Lee
[ ] Old Nazis, The Republican Party, and the New Right
by Chip Berlet
[ ] American Swastika
by Charles Higham
[ ] Trading With The Enemy
by Charles Higham

(b) Making consumers dependent on the resource,
(combustion engines, automobiles, etc.)

(c) Preventing alternatives from reaching consumers,
(buy up alternatives or have the military destroy them)

(d) Making the resource scarce to drive up the price,
(with hold the oil from the market
or have consumers quickly use it up in SUV's, etc.)

(e) Selling the resource at a high price ("sell high").

(f) Any rebellion from
the owner of the resource or the consumer
will be called terrorist activity and be disorganized
with terror, jail, torture, enslavement, or murder.

Global Corporate Fascism:
The Super Rich will continue to
use their Corporations
to control the USA Government,
to Take Over The World,
and Terrorize, Torture, Enslave, or Kill
Everyone Left Of Ultra Right.


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