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News :: Animal Rights

Jews attacked by anti-Israel mob in San Francisco


Three people were assaulted by pro-Palestinian demonstrators at a protest in front of the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco yesterday evening. Two of the victims were wearing kippot.

It is quite likely that they were targeted BECAUSE they were wearing kippot.

All three were in their fifties or sixties, whereas their attackers were fit and young (and in one case, hulking).
Hate crime is seldom bold. But always transparent.

The event was facilitated by International ANSWER, which has expended considerable effort infiltrating many organizations over the past several years - not only the pro-Palestinian PC brigade and anti-Semitic fringe elements in Berkeley, Oakland, and San Francisco, but also the peace movements, radical anti-war activist circles, unions, dockworkers, farmworkers, and hotelworkers.
Their efforts have paid off, and they have friends among the top levels of San Francisco's city government.

Members of Code Pink and the Arab Resource Organizing Center were also there - the first an alleged peace group, the second generously funded by the Tides Center, "encouraged" by the National Lawyers Guild, and heavily involved in anti-Israel agitation at Bay Area universities.

"Israel out of the Middle-East"
---Charming slogan heard at the end of the rally.

Several voices then added "Israel out of the world".

Faculty members from SF State U and UC Berkeley were also present at the hate-fest, enthusiastically cheering the prospect of Israel's destruction.

An angry but accurate report of the event can be found here:

Another account of the event has been posted here:

As usual, do not leave demonstrations by yourself.
Dick Becker and Forrest Schmidt will not ANY admit responsibility for riling the mob up, and any murderous rage that results is purely the responsibility of the Jew-haters and Palestinian activists themselves.
The only person who is guaranteed not to become violent is Rusty, whose life and beatific smile are a testament to the efficacy of certain substances and a carryover from the hippie area.
Terry, on the other hand, is quite certifiable.

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