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BTL:Israeli Activists Organize Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign from Inside Israel

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Israeli Activists Organize Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign from Inside Israel

Interview with Israeli activist Ofer Neiman, Boycott from Within, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Against a backdrop of growing international condemnation of Israel for its violent repression of both Palestinians and their supporters, most Israelis have rallied behind their government. The vast majority of Israelis supported both the invasion of Gaza 18 months ago and accepted their government's explanation of why nine Turkish activists were killed by Israeli soldiers aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on May 31st as they tried to break Israel's blockade of Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his government is only trying to stop rockets from being fired from Hamas-controlled Gaza, aimed at nearby Israeli towns. But Israeli control of the land, sea and air space around Gaza, as well as its 43-year occupation of the West Bank, have repeatedly been condemned by the United Nations as violations of international law.

A small group of Israeli activists have launched a campaign called Boycott from Within, working in solidarity with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions -- or BDS Campaign, launched several years ago by a broad cross-section of Palestinian non-governmental organizations. It's a non-violent campaign whose goal is to force Israel to withdraw from occupied Palestinian territories.

Israeli activist Ofer Neiman is one of the leaders of the Boycott from Within campaign. Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Neiman by phone in Jerusalem, where he talked about his group's efforts to raise awareness of the BDS campaign within Israel, how the campaign is perceived in the country, and what impact it's having.

Ofer Neiman of the Boycott from Within campaign. For more information, visit the group's website at

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