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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

DAVID ROVICS Live In Baltimore! - November 8

David Rovics will be playing a concert in Baltimore on Friday November 8. David Rovics is a great singer and songwriter who has taken strong and courageous stands on Palestine, Iraq, and the actions of the US government.
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Opening--Baltimore's own John Eaton

Friday November 8, 8pm
First Unitarian Church,
500 N. Charles St at Franklin St, Baltimore
$5 students/unemployed, $10 employed.
Donations appreciated, no one turned away.

A benefit for Baltimore SUSTAIN
See, email:

"Listen to David Rovics..."
Pete Seeger

"David Rovics is the musical version of Democracy Now!"
Amy Goodman, host, Democracy Now!
"...gut-wrenchingly beautiful lyrics... [I'm] in awe...with such wonder at your absolute ability to mentally stand inside this tragedy of such enormity and translate it with such soul-searing love, understanding and reality."
Felicity Arbuthnot, journalist, regular contributor to the Independent (UK), RTE (Ireland), the Toronto Star (Canada), etc., covering Iraq and other issues
"...the Pete Seeger of his time."
The Hartford Advocate

"In that Wobbly tradition of sharp social commentary, David is a master."
The Industrial Worker

"Inspiring, and inspired... For anyone despairing of finding the next generation, worry no more!"
AK Press

"David Rovics' music gives life and hope in the struggle for peace and justice. He is an inspiration."
Reverend Roy Bourgeois, founder, SOA Watch

"If the key to building a mass movement is to make it 'irresistible,' David is opening the flood gates."
Medea Benjamin, Founding Director, Global Exchange


David Rovics

Oh, child, what will you remember
When you recall your sixteenth year
The horrid sound of helicopter gunships
The rumble of the tanks as they drew near
As the world went about it's business
And I burned another tank of gasoline
The Dow Jones lost a couple points that day
While you were crying in the City of Jenin

Did they even give your parents warning
Before they blew the windows out with shells
While you hid inside the high school basement
Amidst the ringing of church bells
As you watched your teacher crumble by the doorway
And in England they were toasting to the Queen
You were so far from the thoughts of so many
Huddled in the City of Jenin

Were you thinking of the taunting of the soldiers
Or of the shit they smeared upon the walls
Were you thinking of your cousin after torture
Or Tel Aviv and it's glittering shopping malls
When the fat men in their mansions say that you don't want peace
Did you wonder what they mean
As you sat amidst the stench inside the darkness
In the shattered City of Jenin

What went through your mind on that day
At the site of your mother's vacant eyes
As she lay still among the rubble
Beneath the blue Middle Eastern skies
As you stood upon this bulldozed building
Beside the settlements and their hills so green
As your tears gave way to grim determination
Among the ruins of the City of Jenin

And why should anybody wonder
As you stepped on board
The crowded bus across the Green Line
And you reached inside your jacket for the cord
Were you thinking of your neighbors buried bodies
As you made the stage for this scene
As you set off the explosives that were strapped around your waist
Were you thinking of the City of Jenin

The Next Attack
by David Rovics

The next attack is coming
I heard it on the TV
Some important politician said
We´ve got to drive them into the sea
Round up all the Arabs
Send them back from where they came
Who cares if they are citizens
They´re fanatics all the same

The next attack is coming
Said dictators west and east
And New York can not rest
Until all the rebels are deceased
So send along those helicopters
And we will shoot them all
And we´ll cut social services
And build a shopping mall

The next attack is coming
Said the CEO
So we need to drill for oil
And build more pipelines, don´t you know
If these Arabs do not like it
And we need the military here
The American people will support us
Whether out of greed or fear

The next attack is coming
I heard an Afghan child say
My family was killed
By a plane the other day
And when I grow up
I will get them back
So I say beware, America
Here comes the next attack

The next attack is coming
Said Cheney to his men
And if it doesn´t
We can make one happen again
Every war we´ve ever been in
Was started with a lie
And this war is good business
So today´s the day for you to die

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