News :: Activism
Reuters alters flotilla photos: can't trust teh mainstream media
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Reuters altered photos from the gaza armada by cropping out the militants weapons
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Reuters altered photos from the gaza armada by cropping out the militants weapons
Reuters latest fauxtography scandal: an update
Following an avalanche of complaints, Reuters has been busy republishing the photos taken on board the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara with the originally excised content -- passenger knives, blood, additional Israeli wounded, etc. -- now appearing in the pictures. Although this particular bout of "Cropitis" seems to have dissipated, Reuters is, as is its custom, correcting the transgression sans any apology or admission of wrongdoing, attributing the earlier adulterations to "normal editorial practice" (truer words were never spoken).
The episode has however, drawn a rebuke from the Israeli government in the form of a letter sent to Reuters Chief Executive Tom Glocer and copied to Jerusalem Bureau Chief Alastair Macdonald (with whom readers of this site will be intimately familiar).
The agency's impropriety in this instance has also reminded thousands of internet users of Reuters' sorry history publishing fraudulent photos, misleading captions, and heavily biased story content which, in the service of its single-minded Arab advocacy agenda, has done enormous damage to the reputations and lives of the people of Israel.
UPDATE JUNE 8, 2010: Fox News picked up the story. Thousands of internet users witness to Reuters' shenanigans have now multiplied into millions of television viewers. You're on camera, Reuters. Smile.