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Baltimore IMC

News :: Baltimore MD : Elections & Legislation : Environment : Globalization : Peace

RE: Take Action! Stop the Big Polluter Bailout!

Sen. Murkowski and her allies want to give Big Oil a bailout. The U.S. Senate will vote on her resolution this Thursday. Tell your senators to vote NO, so we can have a cleaner, safer, healthier America! Thank you!
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Even as the nation's worst man-made environmental disaster is ravishing the entire Gulf of Mexico and the livelihoods of tens of thousands of Americans, there are some senators who want to shield the dirtiest and most dangerous polluter industries from accountability for their destruction.

Yes, Sen. Murkowski and her allies want to give Big Oil a bailout and the U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote this Thursday, on June 10, whether to do just that.

As you may know, we've been fighting Senator Murkowski's outrageous proposal for months. Hundreds of thousands of people around the country have agreed that this is the wrong direction for our nation. Now we have come to a crucial moment in this fight. With the U.S. Senate voting this Thursday, your voice could be the one that makes the difference and defeats this attack.

Write to your senators and tell them to do the right thing for our clean energy future. Demand that they don't give in to the big polluters that want to keep us hooked on dirty and dangerous fossil fuels. Urge them to vote NO on Sen. Murkowski's resolution so that we can have a cleaner, safer, healthier, more prosperous America.

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— Earthjustice
Because the earth needs a good lawyer

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