May Day || May First || 2:30PM || Baker Park
Speak out against the budget cuts
On April 7th 2010, the board of county commissioners voted 3 – 2 to cut education in Frederick. Frederick Community College, Frederick County Public Schools and Frederick County Public Libraries are all facing massive budget cuts in 2010. FCC alone is facing 1 million dollars in cuts by the county government. These cuts will be “painful, [and] long lasting,”. In short the county commissioners that voted for the cuts do not care about our future.
May Day || May First || 2:30PM || Baker Park
Speak out against the budget cuts
On April 7th 2010, the board of county commissioners voted 3 – 2 to cut education in Frederick. Frederick Community College, Frederick County Public Schools and Frederick County Public Libraries are all facing massive budget cuts in 2010. FCC alone is facing 1 million dollars in cuts by the county government. These cuts will be “painful, [and] long lasting,”. In short the county commissioners that voted for the cuts do not care about our future.
Unfortunately, services for youth and working class people are the first to be cut, while the most draining programs are put first. Simply put, there are millions of dollars for war and bailouts, but not education. Locally, the county commissioners have continually discussed building a multi-million dollar “Waste To Energy Incinerator,” investigations into new landfills, new developments, millions of dollars of weapons for the local police department, (Have you seen the tank?) and probably a subsidized 4 star hotel.
For government officials, services for students, youth, and low income people are the last priority and the first to be cut. Capital-ventures and police are the top priority for the state. Last year the free breakfast program was cut by the county leaving working class students out of a meal. Thousands of youths across the county will be affected by the budget cuts. We are now forced to suffer because of the problems
created by the rich.
The crash of 2008 was caused by the richest Americans attempting to make profits off of the rest of us through the housing market. Bankers gambled for years in the stock exchange, selling loans after loans, never expecting a crash. Two years later a massive recession has lead to governments all over the world with massive budget shortfalls.