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News :: Animal Rights

Adalah disrupts Israeli ballet

Protesters led by the New Israel Fund supported group, Adalah, struck their version of a blow for "human rights" and "justice" by disrupting a performance of the Israel ballet in Vermont. According to Ynet news, the self-proclaimed forces of justice and freedom under Adalah claimed that "anyone who watched the performance was "supporting Israel's apartheid policy."'

Contributors to the New Israel Fund can be proud that they are getting their money's worth, as the Israel Ballet is certain a bastion of apartheid Zionism. Apologists for the New Israel Fund, who defend it against charges that it is funding anti-Israel organizations can point out that this noble operation of the Palestinians was aimed not only at Zionism, but at degenerate Western culture. In the secular democratic utopia promoted by Adalah, there will be no need for a ballet troop. Belly dancers and whirling Sufi dervishes will be characteristic of the New Israel created with the aid of New Israel Fund funding.

Ami Isseroff

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