Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Class : Crime & Police : Race and Ethnicity
Checkpoint Superbowl Sunday (7/feb/2010) in Calvert County
Como siempre cuando hay un gran evento o día festivo, agencias de orden público usan el pretexto para aumentar la aplicación de leyes racistas, clasistas, y antimigrantes. Habrá varios retenes, y muchas agencias reportan que van a monitorear con mayor vigilancia las vías públicas. Checkpoint response les avisa de los retenes previstos, no sólo en California, sino en el resto del país también.
As with other holidays and large events, law enforcement agencies use the pretext to heighten enforcement of classist, racist, and anti-immigrant laws. This weekend will see numerous checkpoints, as well as non-checkpoint traffic enforcement. Checkpoint response brings you this warning of the foreseeable checkpoints, and urges the utmost caution on the road.

Sometime this weekend (impreciso)
KANSAS CITY (Missouri) - "The location of the checkpoint was not disclosed. It will be held sometime between Friday and Sunday." (
SCHUYLKILL COUNTY (PA) - "The North Central Regional Sobriety Checkpoint DUI Taskforce has announced that sobriety checkpoints and roving DUI patrols will be conducted through Sunday on various roadways in Schuylkill County." (
Jueves / Thursday (4/feb)
CHARLESTON (SC) - "there will be a sobriety checkpoint on Thursday, Feb. 4 on lee Street between Washington Street and Delaware Avenue. The checkpoint will begin at 5 p.m. and end at approximately midnight." (
Viernes / Friday (5/feb)
APPLE VALLEY (CA) - "The Apple Valley sheriff’s station plans a DUI/Drivers License checkpoint from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday on Kiowa Road" (
CALCASIEU PARISH (Louisiana) - "the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office will be conducting a seat belt checkpoint from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. at an undisclosed location in the parish." (
ESSEX COUNTY (Mass) - "The Massachusetts State Police will conduct a sobriety checkpoint on a secondary state highway in Essex County, Friday, Feb. 5, into Saturday, Feb. 6." (
MONTEBELLO (CA) - "a checkpoint at an undisclosed location Friday and other checkpoints in the city throughout the year" (
SAN BERNARDINO (CA) - "The sobriety and driver's license checkpoint will be from 6 p.m. until 2 a.m. in the 1300 block of South E Street" (
Domingo / Sunday (7/feb)
TRUCKEE MEADOWS (NV) - "The Sparks Police Department notes it will be joined by the Reno Police Department, the Nevada Highway Patrol, the sheriff’s offices of Carson City and Lyon and Storey counties for a DUI checkpoint at an undisclosed location." (
CALVERT COUNTY (MD) - "Troopers will be out in full force this Super Bowl Sunday, patrolling and holding sobriety checkpoints." (
Checkpoint response is pleased to announce that we now have an e-mail address! Please address inquiries, checkpoint-related announcements, and comments to
Checkpoint response se agrada en anunciar que ¡ya tenemos un correo electrónico! Favor de dirigir preguntas, anuncios relacionados con retenes, y comentarios a