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Calif. Governor Candidate Alexander Proposing Free Online University Degrees

While running as the Peace and Freedom Party’s candidate for California Lieutenant Governor in 2006, Alexander’s platform supported free education through university level. Alexander says this is still achievable through online educational studies. Alexander believes that online studies will drive the cost down for the state, will offer all students the opportunity to receive a free education, and students will be able to obtain a Bachelor or Master degree in almost any discipline.
PFP Candidate Alexander Offering Alternative to Tuition Hikes

Stewart A. Alexander
For California Governor
Peace and Freedom Party 2010

December 3, 2009

If there were any questions about there being a crisis in education, all questions were put to rest when the University of California Board of Regents made the decision two weeks ago to increase college tuitions by 32 percent; now a vast majority of students, throughout the UC system are uncertain about their future plans to continue their education due to the outrageous cost.

The increased cost defies any rational. Since 1999, tuitions at the 10 UC campuses have tripled. The 32 percent tuition hike will drive the cost for one year of tuition up to $10,300, not to include text books, housing, food and other expenses. Many students believe the tuition hikes will force them to drop out.

Stewart Alexander, a Peace and Freedom Party candidate for California Governor, says, “These inflated tuition fees will force a majority of students to work full time or to work longer hours, they will have less time to devote toward obtaining a good education, and these students will be burden with debt for years in an effort to pay off their student loans.” The Peace and Freedom Party has always backed the right to receive a free education as a fundamental human right; now with the skyrocketing cost for a college education, working families have to consider other alternatives to traditional campus institutions.

While running as the Peace and Freedom Party’s candidate for California Lieutenant Governor in 2006, Alexander’s platform supported free education through university level. Alexander says this is still achievable through online educational studies. Alexander believes that online studies will drive the cost down for the state, will offer all students the opportunity to receive a free education, and students will be able to obtain a Bachelor or Master degree in almost any discipline.

Working as the California State Organizer for Socialist Party USA, Alexander spoke of a new program that SPUSA- California recently launched intended to increase voter registration among young adults and to support student activism; the program is called Socialist Party- Campus Action Network or SP-CAN. Alexander says this program will help people of all ages to achieve their right to a free education.

For more information search the Web for: Stewart A. Alexander

Socialist Webzine: Solidarity with UC Student Protests: Education is our right!

UC Students Fight Tuition Hike

UC Berkeley Strike

Peace and Freedom Party Home Page

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