Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Miscellaneous

The Rule of the Yessbutts

A strange pattern develops among the powers that be.
The Rule of the Yessbutts

1) Bill Clinton – guard the women, this man personally led the country downhill toward a sleazy, low brow, narcissistic amorality. “Yes, but he was good for the economy.”
2) George Bush, who trampled on the constitution and our collective sense of common human decency. “Yes, but at least there haven’t been any more 9/11 terrorist attacks.”
3) Barack Obama, who has sold our grandchildren into a life time of debt in order to rescue corrupt money barons, while common folk continue to lose their homes, jobs, retirement funds and shirts. “Yes, but think how awful it WOULD have been if he hadn’t taken action!”
So we’ve had a series of clowns whose big act is to stand on their buts. And it’s not over. Coming soon to a graveyard near you: tombstones with the words “Yes, but at least he had health insurance.”
2010 is coming. Get some of those “buts” out of Washington.

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