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Stop Ahmadinejad from entering United Nation

Iran Solidarity petition "Stop Ahmadinejad from entering United Nation"
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is to visit New York and attend a United Nation conference in mid-September 2009. During the past two months, the people of the world have had a glimpse into the atrocities of the Islamic Republic of Iran committed in its thirty years lifetime: murder, torture, rapes, and violations of basic human rights. We, the undersigned express our strongest objection to the UN for accepting Ahmadinejad's presence - a professional killer. Allowing him to speak on behalf of Iran is the ultimate offence and disrespect to the people of Iran and the world.

Instead of allowing him to speak, we demand that Ahmadinejad be arrested and prosecuted for crimes against humanity, including most recently:

1] The killing of hundreds of protesters following the farce of an 'election'.

2] The systematic rape of those arrested during the recent protests in Kahrizak prison.

3] The torture and humiliation of arrested protesters, fabricated confession-sessions under the guise of 'trials', and the broadcast of the tortured on state television

Please sign this petition and circulate it widely.

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