Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

Angry Black Men PHOTO ESSAY . Anti-Police Brutality Protests WDC

In commemoration of 22oct02, the international day of protests against police brutality this Angry Black Men photoessay represents photos that I have taken, over the years, at three different anti-police brutality protests in WDC.
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"Angry Black Man" is an ongoing historiographic series of Elvert Xavier Barnes Protest & 'Writings On The Wall' which focuses on the documentation of protests, rallies and vigils in connection with the black struggle.

"Angry Black Men" . Diallo-Sharpton Rally . DOJ . NW WDC . 2mar00

"Angry Black Men" . March for Justice . NW WDC . 3apr99

"Angry Black Men" . Diallo Police Brutality Protest . WDC . 15feb99
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