Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

WTO Decision Making Group Coming To Chicago November 7-8

The CEOS are coming!! The CEOS are coming!!
WTO Decision Making Group Coming To Chicago November 7 & 8

The Trans-Atlantic Business Dialouge, the decision making group for the World Trade Organization, is an exclusive group of corporate CEOs and senior level government officials from the United States and European Union(i.e. "the global north.") These neo-colonial powers tromp through our neighborhoods to exclusive banquets and meetings. Lounging in lofty towers, they plan the demolition of "trade barriers"(enviormental protection, labor rights, cultural heritage) and create barren landscapes of unchecked cultural homogeny.

Even More sinister, the TABD will be co-chaired by two of the wolrd's largest weapon manufacturers. Chicago based Boeing will be the chair for the US and the BAE corporation will be heading the EU side. The Boeing and BAE corporations WILL NOT invade our city to plan profiteering from a world wide war unopposed!!

We in Chicago are throwing a protest party for the TABD! Come to our Sweet Home Chicago and help us creatively resist the war mongering corporations!

Schedule of Events:

Thursday the 8th
March Downtown to Protest the TABD and War
Meet at Boeing's World Headquarters Washington and Canal at 4:30PM
There is a route being planned, this will be a mainstream old-style protest rally through downtown Chicago. No Civil Disobedience or Direct Action is planned for this March. There will be speakers and a route posted.
Friday the 9th
Day of Autonomous Action and Alternatives to Capitalism
Creative Street Theatre
Creative Blocs: Since Anarchists were more than Black
The Business Bloc: made up of disgruntled CEOs, former yuppies and anarchist imposters who will let people know the evils that working for the man inflicts upon ones soul.
The Mime Blac Bloc: who will engage in stereotype destruction by breaking imaginary windows.
a Pirate Bloc, more details to come.
E-mail> with your ideas for creative actions and blocs you want to see and make happen.
Other things that are being planned Mass feedings throughout the day downtown by food not bombs(nothing beats a free lunch)
Holistic healthcare setups
Free Stuff Friday: Free Clothing, Computers, Electronics, Games, Toys, Tools, Bags, and other things that would of been wasted given away for free like an anarchist society would, sure beats shopping.
To participate bring useful stuff to give away that you don't need or you find tossed away by some wasteful consumer
This will be the day to come in from out of town and hook up with other people and work on creative projects.
With possible anti-war rallies and soapboxes setup around the city for people to speak their mind. So rack your brain and think of something creative you would like to contribute, e-mail your plan to us if you'd like and we'll put it on our webpage.
For Saturday the 9th
an Alternatives/Anarchist Economics Summit is being planned.
The location is still up in the air at this moment. Basically it will consist of a free lunch, then a series of presentations starting at 1pm, on why capitalism is failing, the need for shadow economies, and more to be announced. This will be followed by a serious of 3 hour workshops on alternatives to capitalism and how to put them into action in your life. Contact> for more info or to get involved.

More info on the TABD
Corporate Europe Observer
Cincinatti TABD 2000 protests
Citybeat TABD protest section
Anarchy in the Queen City TABD 2000 protest article
Radical Chicago
Chicago Indy Media
Chicago Direct Action Network
The Autonomous Zone
Food Not Bombs
more information on the WTO


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