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LOCAL Review :: Baltimore MD

Hamlet at the Spotlighters

The Spotlighters' take on Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is community theater at its best.
Fans of community theater should not miss the Audrey Herman Spotlighters production of Hamlet. Given the complexities of arguably Shakespeare's darkest play, this production is exceptional.

Understand, this is not Center Stage. As with all community theater, there are some minor stumbles. However, the cast and crew do a very good job of moving the story along quickly, reducing the running time to a length that seems right.

Michael Leicht is credible in the titular role. His interpretation could be regarded as no-nonsense, quite pissed-off and dangerous.

Phil Gallagher does a very good job of bringing out the qualities in Claudius that makes it hard to believe that he's truly the villain that Hamlet believes him to be. Richard Peck's Polonius provides a moral counterweight to the rest of the characters, as well as an emotional stability that his doomed children (Laertes & Ophelia) lack. Michael Donlan plays Laertes with conviction. Jenn Mikulski, in her Spotlighters debut, shows promise as Ophelia. Sherrionne Brown and Robert Scott Hitcho are solid as Gertrude and Horatio respectively.

While Hamlet dominates every scene, the entire cast is good. The strength of this production is in its timing; the lines are swiftly delivered and the lighting and sound cues are nearly spot-on.

The final scene is awesome. The duel between Hamlet and Laertes is well choreographed. Given the confines of the Spotlighter's stage, their sword-fight is also very exciting.

The Spotlighters is a fairly small theater with the audience divided into four sections. Actors are constantly turning to face a different side. The experience is unique.

Once again, the Spots have taken on one of theater's most challenging works, surprising and inspiring us along the way.

(Hamlet runs until August 9 at the Audrey Herman Spotlighters, 817 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD; 410-752-1225.)

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