LOCAL News :: Environment
Press Conference: Launch of Enviro Group to Take On State Over Failure to Protect Chesapeake Bay
An important press conference will take place on Tuesday, July 14 at 10:00 a.m. at 301 West Preston Street. Multi-state group being launched to take the State of Maryland to task on Chesapeake Bay health.
MEDIA ADVISORY: Launch of Powerful Citizens Group to Take Back Protection of Chesapeake Bay
Contact: Cathy Garger, PAARC Co-Founder
(301) 710 - 0405
Janet Marsh, Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (336) 982 - 2691
Maryland-based PAARC has been launched as a non-profit citizens group and adopted as a Chapter Member of Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, a leading national non-profit organization dedicated to supporting environmental and public health protection.
When: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 10:00 a.m. Press Conference
Where: Dept General Services Building, 301 West Preston Street, Baltimore, MD
Who: Cathy Garger, Cindy Peil, and Julia Clark, PAARC Co-Founders
Members of PAARC within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and beyond call to task the State of Maryland and Governor Martin O’Malley for failing to safeguard the fragile health of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The group will discuss the role of state agencies with regard to environmental pollution caused by power plants.
The multi-state PAARC effort has been organized due to concerns stemming from the proposed joint venture between the Electricite de France (EDF) and Constellation Energy. The impact of foreign ownership of a utility company upon the health and ecostyem of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed will be discussed.