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LOCAL News :: Biotechnology

The Threat of Rogue Biotech on Humanity from The Codex Alimentarius

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ChiGirl , 26.06.2009 18:25

The Basic Human Right to Human & Environmental Health is disappearing
by the end of this year. Human DNA can now be contaminated, patented &
owned. - The largest uncontrolled experiment on life in human history,
the consequences of which cannot be fully predicted.

The repercussions & threat of Bio-technology on Humanity from The
Codex Alimentarius Global "Harmonization", (to be ratified 31st
December 2009)

The Reason: Codex Alimentarius -Forgotten-the US governments most
powerfully political secret weapon of mass destruction on humanity- a
trade commission (not a public health commission)

"He who controls food controls the world". I.G. FARBEN.
( The Pharmaceutical body which funded Hitler, the founding
inspiration for Codex Alimentarius) Codex Alimentarius Commission will
be fully mandatory by December 31st 2009 all 177 countries within the
WTO will be Harmonized (Codex Alimentarius compliant).

"Having spent the past twelve months investigating Codex Alimentarius,
I am deeply disturbed by the almost total lack of awareness (or even
interest) with regard to the implications of this pernicious global
Commission, particularly amongst those most affected by the excesses
of this restrictive Legislation."
Ian R. Crane

"Every time a Shaman dies, it's as if a ancient library was burnt down"
Marc Plotkin MD. Ph.D

"784,000 People are dying annually and prematurely in the USA alone
due to modern medicine intervention."
Carolyn Dean MD.

Background on Codex Alimentarius

- Pharmaceuticals are protected from the Codex Alimentarius
Commission, Codex Alimentarius. Does not serve human health, it is a
commission designed to benefit and serve Bio- technology, Genetically
Modified foods, the Agro-business, the giant Pharmaceutical
corporations and the giant Chemical corporations. This is the most
dangerous governmental political weapon in human history and yet the
public are very unaware of what Codex Alimentarius and what it
actually is?

Ian Crane says, thats exactly what they want! And yet the Codex
Alimentarius Commission will be fully implemented at the end of this
year .Codex Alimentarius backs all corrupt pharmaceutical and GM
motives and objectives under the disguise of health interests, its aim
is to stop food labelling, patent new species, controll food growth
world wide and disallow our rights to nutritional health and
alternative health therapies. The issue comes down to our DNA. This is
the largest uncontrolled human and environmental experiment .

The Codex Alimentarius Commision Goal:

*Global control of food supply,
* No Organic Food,
* Biotechnology dumping,
*All Foods Genetically Modified,
*Permit Radiation,
*Permit Chemicals,
*People have to apply to their local municipalities to be able to grow
food in their own back yard,
*The municipalities will be required to serve permits on food growth.
*Herbal Medicine will be completely illegal,
*Genetically Modified Crops will be grown in every country despite
public opposition,
* Patenting and ownership of Human DNA Patenting of all species
contaminated by GM food,
* DNA contamination worldwide Alternative Health Therapies will become illegal,
* Low potency nutrient ional supplements that will do nothing for your health,
* Human Genome Project (is actually a eugenics, project will be
involved in this)- *Organ Harvesting,
*Monsanto Patenting and distortion of natures natural
genomes-consequences of which cannot be fully predicted,
*Iradication of mixed crop system for round-up resistant chemicalzed
*Patenting and control of all seed to 6 giant corporations,
*The Human Genome has already been patented,
*Suppression of nutrients.
*Sanctions will be applied to countries that do not want to comply
with Codex Alimentarius Commission.


Whom are the fear mongers? The Pharmaceutical Companies -The Food and
Drug Administration.

Codex Alimentarius functions on a Napoleonic code law-anything not
permitted is forbidden. Codex Alimentarius is before 1963 (, legal
rules that courts enforce 1893 -has its roots in the Germanic Austro
Hungarian Empire and was the brain child of a german pharmaceutical
company with the aim to control food. Codex A has altered its mission
to serve genetically modified organisms.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission is administered by the World Health
Organization (WTO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
they fund codex and run it at the request of the United Nations (UN).
They give the appearance of being for health and food worldwide. In
1994 CA declared Nutrients to be Poisons, so nutrients are now risk
assessed under the LD 50 dosage range. So, nutrients such as minerals
and vitamins under Codex A. which means now when we buy vitamins and
minerals today, the dosage is now under a decreased insufficient
dosage under vitamin and mineral guideline so that high potency
therapeutically effective nutrients are now illegal and unobtainable
to the general public. This is called "Harmonization" in the name of
free trade and globalization, but really they are protecting large
corporations, and the Central American Free Trade Agreement. They also
want the European Union to Harmonize to the Codex Alimentarius.
Sanctions will be applied to countries that do not want to comply with
Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Why? "784,000 People are dying annually and prematurely in the USA
alone due to modern medicine intervention." Carolyn Dean MD.

The pharmaceutical companies are only 80 years old. Big Pharma- kill
more people than the US military. In 2002 the top ten pharmaceuticals
earned more profits than the any other industry.

The committees work up rules and standard regulations to step 8 which
is presented to ca for ratification, like the vitamin and mineral
guideline, on the ominous date of July the 4th last summer. Mandatory
upon any member country upon the WTO. WTO accepted Codex when it was
formed in 1994 to decide trade disputes around food. Dietary
Supplement and Education Act.

World Trade Organization taxes 150 million Euros a year because the EU
does not want Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone impregnated Beef, so
the EU pays fines to the USA and Canada of about 120 million dollars
of increasing fines to keep this food out of the European Community.
GM products will carry the same hefty fines if countries do not agree
with the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Codex will remove the
labelling on this beef so that the consumer will no longer know the
source of the food they are buying. The European Union is also
nickanemd "The Club of Rome". Since the establishment of the "Club of
Rome" there has been more federal law created within the EU in the
last 57 years than in the USA in the last 200 years.

The Myth of GM -Genetic Roulette.- consequences of manipulating genes
cannot be predicted.

GM is not scientifically proven to be safe or solve world hunger. GM
is not designed to feed. Its designed to create and make money out of
patents. Eradication of political corruption is the solution to world
hunger. Destroying community based farming systems, at the heart of
subsistence based agriculture, politically it will also create further
starvation and poverty in third world countries due to the need for
poor farmers to apply for licence to local municipalities to grow food
on their own land. Unpredicted effects of transgenic insertion?
Negativeimpact on wildlife, ecosystems and humans,creating a great
loss of biodiversity. Contamination of organic crops. Co-existence of
GM crops and non GM crops not possible, creating large complications
on an environmentally global scale. The result is control of stable
seeds by a few corporations. There is not a competent regulatory
framework held by the FDA for GM crops. GM food labelling will not be
complicit. Hidden GM ingredients are already creeping into the current
food consumption market. Consumers subject will be subject to a heavy
media spin on GM Biotechnology. Consumers must check for hidden GM
consumption-eg meat products fed on GM. The outdoor release of GM into
the environment means a monoculture that will destroy biodiversity, no
consistent evidence to show increase in food yield, this does mean
good business on patents. The patenting and control of all seed to 6
giant corporations. All DNA not expressing proteins contains our
entire human history, any new material interferes with the
communication between alleles and genes. Horizontal transference to
organic products from GM crops . Eradication of mixed crop system for
round-up resistant chemical monoculture, increased pesticide residues
in GM food. Will Monsanto still be interested when the patents expire?
What will happen when plants become roundup resistant. What will the
GM companies do when GM seed has found its way onto non- GM land? This
is critically dangerous ground for the farmer world wide. GM crops are
not sustainable and are not a replacement for nutrients. The
contradiction here is that nutrients is being suppressed by the Codex
Alimentarius Commission.

Natural laws governing natural gene flow is very different to the way
genetically modified genes are clinically mutated and developed.
Releasing GM into the natural environment is dangerous to the survival
of natural biodiversity, creating further extinction and elimination
of biodiversity hotspots and contamination from GM non related species
to natural DNA gene flow within related species. Thousands of years of
evolution being experimented with. Consequences seen in evolution up
to 1996. Uniqueness eradicated for ownership and patents. GM food
makes up about 60 percent of USA food consumption. Soya non- organic
animal products are fed on GM crops, grown on large areas in Brazil
that were previously Amazon Rainforest. Pioneer Overseas Corporation
along with others are already gaining registration numbers for the
preparation of the GM boom, a boom that has no public support or
consent. EC general food law and precautionary principle.

Maize Protien products, GM Soya Beef and animals that are fed on GM feed.

Possible Effects of GM products on Human Health: New diseases, reduced
growth, reduced fertility, compromised immune function, increased
allergy reactions and inflammation, Reduced nutrient content of food
(paradoxically GM is being promoted as a solution to increase
nutrients in food but the science shows otherwise). Increase in Cancer
and premature deaths.

Possible Effects of GM products on Environmental Health: Adverse in
every respect! Especially for Biodiversity and conservaion of unique
ecological systems. Eradication of sustainable ecologically friendly


Dr Robert Verkerk BSc MSc DIC PhD

Executive Director of Alliance for Natural Health Â

The European Community General Food Law and the Precautionary
Principle (which is being ignored when it comes to ratifying the Codex

The precautionary principle has been invoked to ensure health
protection of the community. Thereby giving rise to barriers to the
free movement of food and feed. Therefore it is necessary to adopt a
uniform basis throughout the community for the use of this principle.

Dr Arpad Puztai- Biotechnologist. World Expert on leptims and GM
technology- Lancet. - demonstrated that problems with manipulation of
genes was not due to proteins being expressed but to the process of
manipulation itself, he has been discredited by the government.

Foods in the UK between 1996 and 1999: Comments on "Genetically
Modified Crops: Risks and Promise" by Gordon Conway Â Â

F.Wiliam Engdahl -The Seeds of Destruction- How a small
socio-political of American Elite seeks to establish control over the
very basic of human survival: the provision of our daily bread-
Control the food and you control the people, This is no ordinary book
about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors
of power, into the backrooms of the science labs. Behind closed doors
in the corporate boardrooms. Revealing a diabolical world of profit
driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where
genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain
world wide control over food sources and production.

Ian R. Crane

Mass Control: Engineering of Human Consciousness by Jim Keith

Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins

Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical industry by John Braithwaite

Carolyn Dean MD Â

Paul Antony Tailor. Â

Rebuilding Americas Defences. September 2000

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