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LOCAL News :: Activism

Free All Political Prisoners: Jack Johnson's Hearing

Political prisoner Jack Johnson's "hearing."
June 23, 2009

Supporters of Jack Ivory Johnson filled the Baltimore, MD. courtroom today in support of the hearing they hoped would result in his immediate release. However, prosecutors claimed to have had no word of today’s proceedings and requested a continuance until July 29, 2009. The judge, accepting responsibility for the confusion, granted the request. Other than seeing Johnson, whose appreciation for the crowd gathered in his support was evident, the hearing itself was uneventful. However, those there remained resolved and committed to support and freedom for political prisoners who, like Johnson, remain incarcerated despite, as is the case with Johnson, either strong evidence of innocence or an absence of evidence of guilt. Hear some of their thoughts below and more in this related interview with Marshall “Eddie” Conway.

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