Announcement :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Globalization
Action to Close the SOA November 20-22!
The annual SOA/WHINSEC vigil will be held Nov. 20-22 at Fort Benning in Columbus, GA.
HR 2567 was introduced in Congress to suspend operations at the school and investigate its history of torture and other human rights abuses. Contact your legislator at 1-800-473-6711 and encourage them to co-sponsor the bill.

The annual vigil to close down the SOA/WHINSEC will take place from
November 20-22, 2009 in Columbus, Georgia, home of the School of the Americas/WHINSEC. Thousands of people from all over the Americas will converge at the gates of Fort Benning to keep the pressure on Congress and the Obama administration. Come to Columbus to participate in the vigil and annual conference with concerts and workshops.
Last year’s vigil closely followed President Obama’s election, and excitement was in the air as more than 20,000 gathered to demand that the School of Assassins be shut down. However, the struggle to close down the SOA/WHINSEC continues with the new administration. Join social movement leaders, civil rights activists, veterans, union organizers, students, and religious leaders, as we gather once again to take a stand against the immoral foreign policy represented by the SOA/WHINSEC.
HR 2567 was introduced into Congress by Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and 42 other members of Congress. This legislation would suspend operations at the SOA/ WHINSEC, investigate torture manuals and human rights abuses associated with the school, and conduct an assessment of military training in Latin America.
Contact your representative by calling the Capitol Hill Switchboard toll free at 1-800-473-6711 and encourage them to co-sponsor HR 2567.