C & A Consultants, a private company headed by Ruben Lovera, former Director of Taxation in the mid-’90s, for the audit was commissioned to review the six biblioratos of documentation submitted by Camilo Soares, Secretariat for Social Action, the Chamber of Deputies.
The technical analysis of the roles was requested by Rep. Oscar Tuma, who yesterday said that it is necessary to know for certain how they used the money for emergencies.
Another character that has been revealed as a trafficker in influence in the government is Miguel Lopez Perito, who appointed his stepson DINATRÁN director. The TV is filmed after receiving money from corruption.
Two miserable plundered and Mediterranean faced 1932 to 1935 in what some call “war of naked soldiers.” It was the last South American war, the most absurd of all, and topped by the most unfair epilogue.
At dawn on July 9, 1938, a secret agreement for Bolivia and through him, the Standard Oil company, preserving the oil area of Chaco, was signed in Buenos Aires.
The land had been snatched by Paraguay in the war that pitted Paraguayans and Bolivians between 1932 and 1935, a massacre inspired and funded by the interests of the Rockefeller company, as denounced Senator Huey Long in Congress in Washington.
The secret document was saved for history because the secretary of the U.S. embassy in Buenos Aires, Allen Haden, one copy sent to his superiors in the Department of State. Years later, historian Leslie Rout published it in his thesis at the University of Michigan, and completed the work published in Texas.
In this way the Paraguayans knew, decades after the fact, that the oil wells that had snatched his occasional enemy in a war at great cost in blood and death, had finally fallen into the hands of the same company to pay with mobilizing Bolivian military appropriations.
The Standard Oil of New Jersey, founded in 1870 by John D. Rockefeller, was for long the most powerful and feared company in the capitalist world. His story is a vast chronicle of evil deeds and outright evil.
Two years prior to defray the Chaco War, participated in overthrowing Hipólito Irigoyen in Argentina when he was preparing to nationalize oil. The same would happen in the next decade with Ramón Castillo.
Between 1939 and 1942 the Standard Oil decreed an embargo against Mexico, following the nationalization of companies by President Lázaro Cárdenas. In 1949 the company brought to veto a U.S. loan that was about to give Mexico and years later did the same with a loan from the IDB.
In September 1955, the Argentine leader Juan Domingo Perón went into exile when Congress was about to approve a grant to the California Oil Company. A few years later, the Rockefeller company played a decisive role in precipitating the embargo that Cuba is suffering, because to refuse to refine Soviet oil forced the government of the island to nationalize the oil business.
Arturo Illia canceled the concessions made to U.S. oil companies between 1960 and 1962, signed by Frodizi and was overthrown in 1966 by Onganía, who repaired the following year impasse.
The oil industry also played a leading role for the denationalization of petrochemicals during the Brazilian military dictatorship imposed by the U.S. in 1964 through Operation Brother Sam.
The Standard Oil was also involved, as Georgia Anne Geyer, the use of chemical weapons against guerrillas in Peru. The army of the Peru watered with NAPALM guerrilla areas in 1965 had been the International Petroleum Co., a subsidiary of Standard Oil, who had provided them with petrol and Know How to prepare the bombs in the air base Palmas, near Lima.
And if this question is no secret that big oil interests are in the campaigns of destabilization who are suffering today as the government of Bolivia and Venezuela.
On June 19, 1969 was received by Foreign Minister Sapena Pastor of New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. The next day, accompanied by U.S. ambassador Benigno Hernandez, the dictator Stroessner visited at the Palacio de López to assess the state of bilateral relations.
Denials of the interview came transnational large.
Was formed shortly after the corporate ties between the Chase Manhattan Bank, Exxon associated with their signatures on the one hand and Repsa-SRCF-Navipar with the Bank of Asuncion on the other hand, giant octopus principalísima whose activity lies in the diversion and transfer of ill-gotten money abroad. For these anastomoses sobrefacturaciones passed and commissions arising from the scheme of oil (purchase, transport, insurance, storage, refining, distribution and annexes), part of the huge profits from secret rubos as construction and equipment of the Itaipu hydroelectric plant, and commissions on loans contracted by the government of Paraguay with governments and multilateral lending agencies.
After hatching such negotiated with the South American dictator, Rockefeller said goodbye with a press conference where he lit prodigal praise for the work of his friend and partner: “President Stroessner Paraguay became more by what was done in 50 years” said .
We now know that the majority share package of REPS was the focus of the Standard Oil conglomerate Exxon-Chase-Manhattan Bank, whose head was the duo of Nelson and David Rockefeller.
Diluted in the New York Stock Exchange, the other shares diversified firms between satellites, located in Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Asuncion, including the Bank of Asunción was one of the holders.
Thus established a link between Rockefeller and with Stroessner Sapena Pastor, which resulted in a very rapid expansion of the group in Paraguay. Some of it is installed in the 70 Chase Manhattan Bank branch Asuncion, the Chaco oil company, refinery Commercial SA (SRCF) and NAVIPAR, the latter two with initial capital raised from REPS.
The satellites NAVIPAR SRCF And promptly became owners of storage tanks in port facilities and Hernandarias Calera Cué (Paraguay) and Zárate (Argentina), respectively.
In turn, each of these other companies controlled in an extended network whose lines of confluence and Stroessner ended in Rockefeller.
Back in the day of his arrival, Rockefeller had been rejected by hundreds of young people betting on a street where he spent visiting the caravan. Subsequently made an open forum at the Faculty of Philosophy of Catholic University, where they burned an American flag.
Opposite the Pantheon of Heroes in the morning of Saturday June 21 there was another student concentration, which ended in a brutal beating. Several student leaders were arrested and tried as subversives.
It came to church and stopped taking the classes looking for the freedom of prisoners, among whom were Guido Rodríguez Alcalá, Juan Félix Bogado Gondra, Alfredo Carrillo Iramain, Albert Friedman, Miguel Angel Almada, Jorge Lara Castro, Carlos lodgest, Ticio Escobar.
The main trigger for those protests had been the establishment of the historical student, who took as an affront to the memory of the thirty thousand killed in the Paraguayan Chaco War of the appointment of Rockefeller as a personal emissary of President of the United States. The designation was inappropriate, considering that many Paraguayans still living who participated in the Chaco War in the 1930s faced the armies of Bolivia and Paraguay for the ownership of the subsoil of this region, then disputed by Shell and Standard Oil Company, which triggered the war by promising juicy profits for finance and support for the military adventure to Bolivian President Daniel Salamanca
Students are reminded through newsletters distributed in the marches that Standard Oil Company had been responsible for pandering and support the government of Bolivia in the Chaco to the invasion and subsequent war that led to a bloodbath on both sides.
Issue that had no care Stroessner, Sapena Pastor and Company, with the aggravating circumstance that the dictator had been the protagonist of the war as a cadet in military school.
The fury of anti-imperialist university Paraguayans in the presence of a representative of the dynasty that had ignited the Chaco War, was in turn suppressed with tear gas supplied by the Pentagon. A student picked up a cartridge which appropriated the label it reads: “Contents. One (1) No 206 Federal Spedeheat. Tear Gas (CN) projectile. Federal Laboratories. Inc. Saltsburg, Penna, U.SA. Made in USA “.
During the presidency of Juan Carlos Wasmosy, the Paraguayan government not only received with affability but also gave an award to David Rockefeller.
Rockeller had been invited by a distinguished member of the notorious Society of the Americas (The Americas Society), “non-profit institution dedicated to informing people of the United States on societies and cultures of the Western Hemisphere.” In this society departed from Augustine Ewards other Chileans, Alvaro Saieh, Léniz Fernando, Edgardo Boenninger, the Venezuelan Eugene A. Mendoza-family of the second millionaire in this country and the third-Continental, Brazilian Ermírio Jose de Moraes, the fourth Latin American family, the multi argentina Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat, American David Rockefeller, Gustavo Cisneros, among other great billionaires and influential politicians of the continent.
The host, paraguayo Conrado Pappalardo, was then an influential deputies, before dropping the profile following investigations to be opened by the assassination of Vice President Luis Maria Argana in March 1999. We are talking about the same person who served as Chief of Protocol of the Foreign Ministry of Alfredo Stroessner in July 1976 pressured George Landau, the Ambassador of the United States, invoking the time-”a favor” by Stroessner asked his colleague Augusto Pinochet, to obtain visas on two separate fake Paraguayan passports to two businessmen whose names were supposed Juan Alejandro Romeral William and Rose.
The real “business” of these men, whose real names were Michael Vernon
Townley and Armando Fernandez Larios, was assassinating Orlando Letelier in Washington on September 21 of that year.
Surprised recently appeared in New York with the same operator and Capo Mafioso Plan Cóndor linked to Rockefeller, Conrado Pappalardo, the new hero of the Latin American left and the poor bishop, Fernando Lugo. The excuse that it was up against a Pappalardo ties would allow the bishop to get an interview with David Rockefeller.
The reason why none of the students in 1969 to escracharon Nelson Rockefeller spoke on this occasion is very simple: the time has passed and rabid anti-imperialists have become major beneficiaries of imperialist money distributed by USAID and other foundations among NGOs, used as a screen to cover up political parties and movements that respond to the U.S. embassy in Asuncion.
I once said the politician Konrad Adenauer: You do not need always to the same opinion, because nobody can prevent becoming wiser.
The liturgy of the Paraguayan government in office, pay the Rockefeller pleitesía is even more absurd when one considers that the company was also responsible for the dispossession suffered by Paraguay in the negotiations for peace in Buenos Aires during 1938. Spruille Braden known representatives of the company, managed to preserve within-Bolivian border agreements for your company thousands of square miles of territory and oil Paraguay should conform with “the spiders, snakes and the desert” as written in a tone of mockery historian boliviano.
Nevertheless, the Rockefeller pay pleitesía is an inescapable routine of leaders Paraguay.
This was the dictator Higinio Morinigo, who advocate for the exploration and exploitation concessions to U.S. oil sparked a civil war in 1947.
This was the dictator Stroessner, who in 1969 suppressed student demonstrations in protest of the honors rendered to Rockefeller in Paraguay, throwing tear gas supplied by the Pentagon.
And so did President Juan Carlos Wasmosy, who received the blessing of David Rockefeller to destroy the national bank Paraguayan orchestrating a collapse of banks and financial dominoes during neoliberal government in the 1990s.
On Tuesday 23 September 2008, during his visit to New York City, gave its current satrap, the bishop of the poor and the people who came to pay pleitesía the oil magnate David Rockefeller, in his feud the big apple, consummate a ritual which has its history.
The gain for the Paraguayans will undoubtedly once again zero, and national dignity will once again fallen to the ground.
They said the French playwright Gabriel Marcel, when one does not live how you just think you live.