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LOCAL News :: Animal Rights

Brown Advisary execs get anti-HLS home demos

Brown Advisary is the second largest institutional investor in Huntingdon Life Sciences or HLS. On Saturday and Sunday, animal rights protesters paid Brown Advisary executives a visit-at their homes...
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Saturday, May 30 and Sun, May 31, executives of HLS investor Brown Advisary in Baltimore got home demos, and on Sun, Two Brown Advisary execs in DC, Jennifer Luray of Abbot labs and Sarah Garland of Bristol-Myers Squbb got home demos as well.

Most of the Baltimore home visits on Saturday found no-public sidewalk homes of super-rich executives, so fliers were simply dropped off for the owners to read.

One of these, though, led to a confrontation where the owner of the house(a Brown Advisary executive) tried to block the activsts' car from leaving with a car illegally parked crosswise in the street. As the activists drove around, he got out and yelled that he knew everyone was there to protest, nobody could leave and the cops had been called.

It took repeated threats to ram him(Sea Shepherd style) while driving at walking speed to force him to get out of the way-and as no police vehicles tried to intercept, it seems clear this was a legal use of force to resist detention by a private citizen on a public street.

The next day, protesters hit the streets in DC to protest at the homes of two investment advisers with Brown Advisary. One was James W Whelihan at 4720 Quebec st NW, and the other was George Grayson at 2540 Mass Ave NW.

Protesters also visited Sarah garland of Bristol-Myers Squibb at 2829 Connecticut Ave and Jennifer luray at 3554 Appleton St NW.

Police nastiness is not uncommon at Jennifer Luray's home, and Sunday was no exception. Both private security guards and cops appeared. One cop had a big camera and a good voice recorder-and two more pulled out flex cuffs.

As people started leaving, one cops said "Don't go anywhere" but his unlawful order was ignored and police did not try to physically prevent protesters from leaving.

No amount of assaults, private attempts at kidnapping, or police abuse seems to be able to stop the growing juggernaut of opposition to HLS! Huntingdon Life Sciences kills 500 animals every day, and these puppy killers are destined to sink. Protesters warn that those who fail to divest will go down with the HLS ship.

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