LOCAL News :: Activism : Animal Rights : Baltimore MD
Brown Advisory Global HQ Gets Office Demos
On Thursday, May 28th, animal rights activists converged at 901 S Bond St in Baltimore, at the global HQ offices of Brown Advisory, the #2 institutional investor in Huntingdon Life Sciences (LSR). After a week of sending letters, emails and phone calls to try and set up a meeting to talk to Brown about the horrors that go on inside HLS, it was apparent that demos were needed to show Brown Advisory what they have to put up with when dealing in blood money with HLS. The message is simple, Brown advisory, you deal with HLS you deal with us!
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Upon arrival, activists started hammering Brown Advisory with five bullhorns while walking around the building, disrupting their day at the office, while naming and shaming them to their office mates and general public. Activists then stationed themselves on the main sidewalk in front of the entrance for over an hour. In the office building, crowds of employees on all floors were gathering at the windows witnessing the demonstrators belt out demands, “ Brown Advisory, If you want to get some rest, Cut Your ties with HLS” and 500 animals murdered today, brown advisory is to blame” with graphic signs and a large banner that reads, “ Your business Profits from the murder of 500 animals Evey day. Cut your ties with HLS”.
After about 45 minutes of loud shout outs and chanting, activists were asked by a security guard to cease use of bullhorns, but they still heard our voices loud and clear. Baltimore City Police showed up right before we ended demo and were surprisingly very civil and decent towards us, compared to their normal “arrest first/ask questions later” mentality.
Also, Brown advisory HQ is located is right above an outdoor seating cafe. The owner of the cafe came out and was obviously displeased with the protest. He told police and security guards that we were “scaring customers”. Hopefully he will take that up with Brown Advisory and that will put more pressure on Brown to drop HLS like a bad habit.
Listen good brown advisory, we are not going away until you completely divest from HLS (LSR). You have a lot of offices around the Baltimore/DC area and a lot of employees that live in the area. We know where you work and we know where you sleep at night. Make it easy on yourself, divest all 161,000+ shares and you will not hear from us again. That is a promise you can take to the bank, Brown Advisory!