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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

NCOR Call For Workshop Proposals!

6th annual National Conference on Organized Resistance, held in DC in January of every year, needs workshop proposals!! send em in y'all!
NCOR Call for Workshop Proposals!

The National Conference on Organized Resistance (NCOR) collective is currently accepting workshop proposals for the 6th annual NCOR, which will take place January 24-26, 2003, at American University in Washington, DC.
Last year the conference brought over 1000 participants and over 50 workshop facilitators from all over the country (please see for last year's line up).

Diversity is the theme of this year's NCOR. We believe that all our
movements for social justice must embrace real diversity--including diversity of age, gender, ethnicity, experience, mindset, background, and specialty--in order for us to unite and successfully resist multiple forms of oppression. We also believe that we must recognize and respect a diversity of movement tactics, including political protest through art and culture; through religious and secular rituals; and through acts of civil disobedience and militant non-violence. We look forward to having a large, diverse group of activists in one place, exchanging ideas, learning from each other, building relationships, and creating stronger, more dynamic, more radical movements for social justice.


NCOR provides an open forum for discussion among activists in progressive movements. Workshops this year will be broken down into three "tracks:" strategy/theory, case study, and skills.

Strategy/theory workshops will address broad, philosophical questions in our movements and allow a constructive critique of our actions. Some examples of workshops in the strategy track last year include "Feminist Direct Action," "Toward Directly Democratic, Confederated Communities," and "Militant Nonviolent Resistance."

The case study track will explore the inner workings of movements for social change. Some examples of case study workshops from last year are "AIDS Drugs and Corporate Greed," "Gentrification and Globalization," and "Transgender Issues in Radical Communities."

The third track of skills has been added this year in hopes of creating workshops geared toward sharing specific skills for better organizing and better living. Examples of workshops from last year that would fit into this category include "Fundraising for Radicals," "Media Skills" and "The Art of Protest."

Workshops may be facilitated by one person or a panel, and may be held in lecture or discussion format. The time allocated for each workshop is generally 1 1/2 hours, but we are allowing space for a few three-hour workshops this year.


To propose a workshop for NCOR, a one to two page description of your workshop is needed by October 14. You may want to refer to the attached list of workshop ideas we are hoping to solicit proposals on, but do not feel limited to this list. In addition, please submit your name, the organization you are representing (if applicable), full contact information, one reference, and a short biography of yourself and/or your organization. Also, please note how your workshop fits into one of the designated tracks above.

Please send in your proposals via email to

If this is not possible, please use the mailing address, or fax number listed below. You will be notified of the status of your workshop by the second week in November. Should your proposal be accepted, a confirmation of your availability is needed immediately thereafter, whereupon travel and housing accommodations will be made for you.

NCOR Website:

If you want more information about NCOR but do not plan on presenting, please visit our website.

Also, if you're interested in renting a table at the conference, please email us with "table" in the subject line.

You may e-mail proposals to:

You may fax proposals to: 202-885-3317 (Attn: NCOR)

You may mail proposals to:
National Conference on Organized Resistance
Kay Spiritual Life Center
Attn: CASJ
4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20016

Below are four groups of sample workshops we hope to include in this year's conference. This will give you an idea of the kinds of workshops we are looking for.

Submit your proposal now and be part of this growing event!

We hope to see workshops on:

1) Theory and Strategy of:
· Past, Present, Future: Anarchism
· Ethical Eating
· Undoing Ageism
· Alternatives to Capitalism
· Guerrilla Theory & the Art of Protest
· True Diversity Vs Cooptation
· Community Service and Challenging the System
· Structural Oppression
· Theories of Labor & Class --Marxism & Beyond
· Radical Queer Theory/Sexual Politics
· Deconstructing Ableism
· Animal Rights-- Differing Schools of Thought
· Spiritual Roots of Political Resistance

2) Case-Studies such as:

· Update on the Middle East
· AIDS in Africa & Worldwide
· Indigenous Resistance in the Americas
· Hip-Hop, Punk, Folk, and More: Music and Culture of Resistance
· Gentrification in DC
· Reproductive Rights & the Radical Left
· The Prison Industrial Complex & the American Correctional Association (ACA)
· Argentina-- Grassroots Reconstruction After the Economic Collapse

3) Specific Skills such as:

· Media Techniques & Venues
· Fund-raising for Radicals
· Acquiring and Maintaining a Space
· Building Non-Hierarchical Organizations/working groups/collectives
· Facilitation and Consensus Process
· Ethical Shopping (addressing animal rights & consumerism)
· Effective Community Outreach
· Organizing a World Bank Bonds Boycott in Your Community

4) Finally, we would like to have space at the conference for facilitated discussions and fishbowls including:

· Fighting the Isms within Our Own Movements
· Addressing Activism from a Beginner's Perspective
· Privacy vs. Public Accountability: an ethical discussion of researching and reporting oppressors
· Regional Discussions (based on city/state or region)


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