We are calling on NACLA supporters to send English-language copies of Open Veins of Latin America directly to the White House. We want hundreds of copies to be sent there, enough for all of the White House staff, the cabinet members, and Obama's advisors. Let's get this book into the hands of not just Barack Obama, but Hillary Clinton, Thomas Shannon, Dan Restrepo, and the rest of the administration! Let's show Obama that there is real, grassroots support for a new policy toward Latin America - that we want not just change, but justice!
Dear friends of NACLA,

Yesterday, the mainstream media
erupted with stories about Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez publicly
giving President Obama a Spanish-language copy of
Galeano's Open Veins of Latin America during the Summit of
the Americas in Trinidad - but for all of the coverage, the media
isn't telling the truth about this important book's message.
And what's more, we've heard the mainstream media say over and over
that the book is obscure and difficult to find in English, when, in
reality, it is one of the most widely read books on Latin America, was
first published in English in 1973, and has been in print and available
all over the world ever since!
Let's make sure that the Obama administration gets the message that
Open Veins of Latin America is a crucial history of the type of
U.S. intervention in the region that needs to stop!
We are calling on NACLA supporters to send English-language copies
of Open Veins of Latin America directly to the White House. We
want hundreds of copies to be sent there, enough for all of the White
House staff, the cabinet members, and Obama's advisors. Let's get
this book into the hands of not just Barack Obama, but Hillary Clinton,
Thomas Shannon, Dan Restrepo, and the rest of the administration!
Let's show Obama that there is real, grassroots support for a new
policy toward Latin America - that we want not just change, but
If you want to see a new U.S. policy toward Latin America, please, buy
a copy of Open Veins of Latin America today, and have it sent
directly to the Obama administration!
You can support independent publishing by purchasing the book directly
from our friends at Monthly
Review Press or use this
link to purchase on Amazon and support NACLA. Have the books
shipped to one of the following:
President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Secretary Hillary Clinton
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520 Asst. Secretary Thomas Shannon
Western Hemisphere Affairs
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
Dan Restrepo
Director of Western Hemisphere Affairs
National Security Council
600 17th St NW
Washington, DC 20508
Please, pass this on to your friends and colleagues, and let us know
that you sent a copy by emailing info@nacla.org. Thanks for joining us in
this campaign!