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CAVEAT CHICAGO -- Ogre Ognir w/ False Flag --

Captain Eric H. May makes a strong defense for the growing opinion that Chicago is the next false flag target by presenting the ultimate credential: proof of a previous valid false flag prediction.

-- Ogre Ognir w/ False Flag --

By Captain Eric H. May
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast

4/14/09 -- The cadre of former military and intelligence personnel with whom I have co-authored a recent false flag alert for Chicago is impeccably patriotic and professional. We have spent the last five years identifying dubious military exercises and potential false flag operations. Our efforts have always come with high personal risk and the incessant abuse of dubious and usually anonymous characters who want above all else to invade us and thereby endanger the American people.

While we don't usually engage in back-and-forth with the trolls and ogres of the opposition, it's sometimes worthwhile to hold one up for general inspection. Taken out of their element of irascibility and innuendo they are puny papier-mâché monsters. Below find the pseudonymic ogre Ognir, who means to ridcule me for numerological nonsense and making inaccurate false flag predictions.

It is a dubious thing to impugn the methodology of the cryptanalyst like me who can prove himself through his work. Ognir quotes me from a article published three weeks before September 27, 2004 -- a date removed from 9/11 by 1111 days -- on which I predicted false flag mischief in the Houston area. Informed readers will perhaps recall that 9/11 was separated from the then-recent 3/11 Madrid attacks 2004 by 911 days.

I provide the link to the Above Top Secret thread written on September 27, along with a quote from it. Supported by mainstream publications, it points out that on September 26 there was a pipeline explosion -- terrorism suspected -- in New Caney, Texas, 25 miles outside of Houston. Given that my prediction had been for a Houston explosion the next day, the fair-minded critic believed that my alert had been validated. Rather than the occult interval of 1111 days I had expected, the perpetrators of the New Caney explosion had chosen an interval of 1110 days, which translates to 111 to them and their illuminati cohorts.

NEWS: TX Pipeline Explosion Suspicious
"The Ghost Troop predicted an attack in Texas earlier this year, and they even said the place, and they were right. Except the government said it wasn't an attack, but an accident. So the Ghost Troop predicted a 'random accident,' which coincidentally caused one of the biggest spikes in oil prices that I know of."

For more on my cyber intelligence unit, Ghost Troop, and my co-authors, refer to our article of Saturday, "Chicago's Nuclear Obama" --

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--- On Tue, 4/14/09, Ognir <> wrote:

LOL he's trying again to spin himself

Captain May has been using numerology to predict the "next 9/11" since at least 2004:

We're either closer to a geopolitical adjustment (i.e., reducing our (sinking) Middle Eastern footprint), or just that much closer to 911 (the sequel), which I've been predicting as 9/27 (i.e., 9/9, i.e., 9=9=18; i.e., 1=8 = 9). Again, 9/27 will be the 1111st day since 911 (which was 11 years from the announcement of the New World Order by King George XLI)."


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