LOCAL News :: Animal Rights
Fois Gras serving Iron Bridge smashed again
Once again, the notorious fois gras serving restaurant Iron Bridge Wine Co has had their windows smashed in. Last time around, graffiti said "get rid of foie gras", this time no graffiti, but the action speaks for itself!

The Iron Bridge is in Colombia, MD off route 108, not too far from Baltimore, where a sequence of peaceful protests of fois gras led to repeated unlawful arrests.
Unlike the peaceful protests in Baltimore, nobody has been arrested for either this month's or last month's direct action against the Iron Bridge. The Howard County cops have no arrests
Here's a quote from a news article about the smashfest at Iron Bridge:
"Co-owner Steve Wecker says he suspects his restaurant was hit again because it didn't "knuckle under" to the vandals who struck last month and spray painted the words "get rid of foie gras" on a restaurant walkway."
Sounds right to me-he's been warned. Now the confrontation seems poised to escalate, as the Iron Bridge has decided to keep pushing fois gras and sales have tripled as animal-hating gourmets pack it in. This is, of course, a calculated gamble that activsts lack the means or the will to do enough damage to force the Iron Bridge to close outright.
Fois Gras is made by force-feeding ducks and geese with metal tubes down their throats until their livers swell near to bursting.