Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Calls on Senator Lincoln and Senator Nelson to Clarify Their Positions on The Employee Free Choice Act EFCA.
FRIDAY THE 13TH IS HERE: The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace BUSTED Talking out of Two Sides of Their Mouth about EFCA! Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Calls on Senator Lincoln and Senator Nelson to Clarify Their Positions on The Employee Free Choice Act EFCA.
The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace continues to spend millions of dollars on insisting that the Employee Free Choice Act would eliminate a "Secret Ballot" election (Which is a LIE).
However in two sepreate press releases today, The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace is calling Senator Lincoln and Nelson to Clarify Their Positions on The Employee Free Choice Act EFCA.
PRESS HERE For The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Press Release on Senator Lincoln Here is The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Press Release on Senator Nelson Press Here
The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Shouldn't Senators Lincoln and Senator Nelson have the RIGHT to have Their Positions Remain Private?
Something Like a "Secret Ballot" election?
Or does The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace believe that Employer Intimidation, Coercion , and FEAR Tactics used everyday by Employers in Union Busting campaigns is the way to go?
The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace WHICH IS IT? "YOU can't have it both ways by Saying We Need A Secret Ballot Then You Take the Intimidation, Coercion , and FEAR Tactic Position Asking Them to State Their Positions"
Do YOU Prefer Senators Lincoln and Nelson to Clarify Their Position on the Employee Free Choice Act through the use of Employer Intimidation, Coercion , and Union Busting FEAR Tactics?
Or Do YOU Prefer Senator Lincoln and Nelson NOT to Clarify Their Positions on The Employee Free Choice Act by allowing them to remain Silent by using The "Secret Ballot" Option?
www.TheTruthAboutEFCA.Org http://www.FreeChoiceActNow.Org http://www.LaborUnionResources.Org For more information on Employer Intimidation and Union-Busting FEAR Tactics Press Below The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace is made up of more than 500 associations and organizations from every state across the nation that have joined together to protect a worker's right to a private ballot when deciding whether to join a union. In 2008, CDW embarked on a multi-million dollar public education campaign in key states that included polling, television, radio and internet ads and direct mail. For more information and a listing of our membership,
Tags: Coalition for a Democratic Workplace, Employee Free Choice Act, EFCA, Free Choice Act, The Truth about EFCA, My Private Ballot, The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace,Navigators Global, Blanche Lincoln, Senator Lincoln Arkansas