Got this info from somebody on MySpace. One or two WHITE NATIONALIST shows in Baltimore this weekend.
Original text:
From their own part of the web:
www. stormfront. org/forum/showthread.
They're keeping the location secret, but apparently are going to post it here:
mdstpat. blogspot.
In the next few days? Or so they say... There will be a checkpoint where people meet up, and they'll tell people how to get to the show.
Spread the info.
However, I also found this:
www. stormfront. org/forum/showthread. php?s=b6d6b0385ee8f093b5e4e4b561e76417&t=462272
Which has a flier that says "3/15" and a website listed to find more info. The flier blatantly says "Classic RAC" on it.
The link to the flier is here (which is on the site of the link it tells you to go to, anyway:
www. label56. com/events/MDS_saint08. gif