Careful research is revealing that Holocaust denial is twice as bad a crime as we previously thought.
Double Trouble for Holocaust Heretics!
-- An article review with links --
By Captain Eric H. May
Military-Political Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast
Many of my readers may be as ignorant as I was about the extent of man's inhumanity to man. I recently learned that the World War II Holocaust (of 6 million Jews) was equaled by the World War I Holocaust -- of 6 million Jews! It was all documented in the New York media of the time, which then as now enjoyed the benefits of Jewish information and management.
An article sent me this weekend gave a fine account of the World War I Holocaust, along with excellent references. It wasn't too wordy or too lengthy; it was well illustrated and well written; and its title was memorable. I believe it will become a classic source for entry-level World War I Holocaust students like me:
Burn in Hell you deniers of the Holocausts
If only Hollywood would produce as many Holocaust movies set in World War I as in World War II. Surely that would make the American people twice as sympathetic to Jews as they already are. This is the objective of Holocaust movies, after all. But for some reason the World War I Holocaust is kept as hushed up as the Gaza Genocide. This is indeed shocking when you consider what Jewish columnist Joel Stein recently affirmed in his Dec. 19 LA Times essay, How Jewish is Hollywood?,1,7113597.column
"I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them."
Recently there has been an unpleasant controversy in the Catholic Church over the Holocaust revisionism of Bishop Richard Williamson. He not only rejects the official story of the Holocaust(s), but also rejects the official 9/11 story, making him a double denier.
"Know the truth," Jesus said, "and it shall set you free." I think it incumbent on those of us who love the truth to learn more about him and his opinions, the better to clarify things. Those interested in learning more about Bishop Williamson should read the two articles I wrote last week:
The Panzer Pope and Holocaust Heresy
Questioning "The Protocols of Zion"
Captain May is a former Army intelligence and public affairs officer. He is also a former NBC editorial writer. For the index of his articles in The Lone Star Iconoclast, refer to