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Baltimore IMC

News :: U.S. Government

James Bamford is on NOVA on PBS tonight at 8 PM:

James Bamford is on NOVA on PBS tonight at 8 PM:
James Bamford is on NOVA on PBS tonight at 8 PM:

Excellent NOVA presentation with James Bamford (USS Liberty survivor Ron Kukal just asked for all of us to pose a question about the Liberty cover-up if possible because Bamford discussed such in 'Body of Secrets' which is his prior book about the NSA):

Israeli companies spying on US for Verizon and ATT according to Bamford:

Here is a tiny URL for the above one:

US support for Israel's brutal oppression of the Palestinians PRIMARY MOTIVATION for tragic attacks on the World Trade Center in 1993 and on 9/11 as well as conveyed in James Bamford's 'A Pretext for War' book (simply look up 'Israel as a terrorist's motivation' in the index and take a look at the 'What Motivated the 9/11 Hijackers?' youtube linked on the right side of the following URL):


Additional at the following URL:

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