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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Former National Lawyers Guild President Michael Avery talk
Former National Lawyers Guild President Michael Avery will discuss the new book he edited, "We Dissent," as well as Appointments to the Federal Bench under Barack Obama- a particularly pertinent topic in the 4th Circuit where there are 4 vacancies out of 15 seats. A post-talk reception/book signing is also in the works.
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You are cordially invited to hear former Guild president Michael Avery speak at 2:00 p.m. in Room 108 of the University of Maryland School of Law, 500 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 on Saturday, February 7th. Professor Avery will discuss the new book he edited, "We Dissent," as well as Appointments to the Federal Bench under Barack Obama- a particularly pertinent topic in the 4th Circuit where there are 4 vacancies out of 15 seats. A post-talk reception/book signing is also in the works.
There is information about the event, book and a flier on our website.