This morning, on On Monday, January 26, 2009, at
9:00 am, six human rights advocates began federal trials for
carrying the protest against the School of the Americas
(SOA/WHINSEC) onto the Fort Benning military base in Georgia. Each
person faces up to six months in prison and a $5,000 fine for this
act of nonviolent civil disobedience.
The 6 were among the thousands who gathered on November 22-23
outside the gates of Fort Benning in Columbus, Georgia to demand a
change in U.S.-Latin America foreign policy and the closure of the
SOA/WHINSEC. The group peacefully crossed onto Ft. Benning, site of
the school, at the culmination of a symbolic funeral procession in
memory of those killed by graduates of the institution.
The "SOA 6" are:
Luis Barrios, 56, from North Bergen, New Jersey
Cusimano, 40 Denver, Colorado
Holm, from Chicago, Illinois
Sr. Diane
Pinchot, OSU, 63, from Cleveland, Ohio
Simmons, 64, from Richmond, Virginia
Wolf, 68, from Washington, DC
Fr. Luis Barrios

Father Luis Barrios is the Chairperson of the Department
of Latin American & Latina/o Studies at John Jay College of
Criminal Justice-City University of New York and a Board Certified
Forensic Examiner with the American College of Forensic Examiners.
He is also an Associate Priest at St. MaryÂ’s Episcopal
Church, Manhattan, New York City. Fr. Barrios, as well is a Board
Member of Interreligious Foundation for Community Organizing-Pastor
for Peace. Professor Barrios is a columnist with El Diario La
Prensa and has been honored with the Media Award-2006-GLAAD as an
Outstanding Spanish Language Newspaper Columnist and was nominated
again in the year 2008. He teaches courses on gangs, criminal
justice, cultural criminology, forensic psychology, US foreign
policy in Latin America, Puerto Rican Studies, race and ethnicity,
and Latina/os Studies.
Click here to
rwad Fr. Luis Barrios' trial statement
Theresa Cusimano

Theresa M. Cusimano, J.D., served as a public
interest advocate for twenty years. Her Italian/Irish passion for
social justice has led her to work with: the U.S. Catholic
Conference of Bishops on immigration and refugee issues, the
federal Department of Education on the Americans with Disabilities
Act and more recently with Colorado Campus Compact to support
college campus engagement in community problem solving. Cusimano
was born in New York, raised outside of Philadelphia and has the
joy of living in the Rocky Mountain state of Colorado. She is both
honored and extremely humbled to have participated in nonviolent
civil disobedience with her five co-defendants who together, face
trial on Monday, January 26th.
Kristin Holm

Kristin is the third seminary student from Chicago
to stand trial for civil disobedience at the WHINSEC vigil in the
past five years. The others are Elizabeth Deligio, CTU, 2005; and
Le Anne Clausen, CTS, 2008.
On November 23rd, 2008, Kristin Holm, a first year student at the
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC), along with five
others, entered the base of the Western Hemisphere Institute for
Security CooperationÂ’s (WHINSEC), which is a federal
offense which carries the possibility of up to six months in prison
and a substantial fine.
Sister Diane Therese Pinchot,

Born and raised in Cleveland Ohio, second oldest of six
children, Diane Pinchot entered the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland
after graduating from Villa Angela High School in 1963. She
graduated from Ursuline College with a BA in Art Education in 1968
and has been teaching since. Her assignments have included Saint
AnnÂ’s School in Cleveland Heights, Lake Catholic High
School in Mentor, Beaumont School in Cleveland Heights and, for the
last 26 years, Ursuline College in Pepper Pike. After completing
several degrees — an MALS at Wesleyan University in Conn.
concentrating in metals and a terminal degree an MFA in Ceramic
Sculpture in 1990 at Ohio University — the Diocesan Cleveland
Mission Team in El Salvador in 1992 asked her to come and help
design and build an altar on the spot where the Churchwomen were
found in a shallow grave after they were raped and killed. This
significant action slowly changed DianeÂ’s life and
over time the Central American martyrs, especially Dorothy Kazel, a
member of the Ursuline community, inspired her to become more
active in social justice groups within the community and other
national organizations. Her artwork has also reflected this
transformation, becoming more narrative and engaging the viewer to
question the meaning behind the form. She has exhibited her work
internationally, nationally and regionally and has come to realize
the sacred connection of justice and art making especially when it
is grounded in Peace and Love.
Click here to
read Sister Diane Therese Pinchot's trial statement.
I' m a 64 year old pre-school teacher who retired last year. I was
a teacher and director in pre-school programms in Richmond, VA. I
have been married for 32 years to Marcia Deckinson.
We enjoy birding, camping, srcabble, reading, silliness and each
I'm a Vietnam Veteran from 1968 and it was then that'd realized
there had to be a better way. The past forthy years I've been
involved in peace, social and economic justice, gay rights, women's
rights and death penalty issues.
As I had said often to my four year olds in pre-school "Don't hurt-
use words". I have been saying that, in various ways, to my
government for many years.
Read Al Simmons'
bio information
Louis Wolf
Born October 31, 1940 in Dresher, Pennsylvania (then some 30 miles
outside of Philadelphia), and grew up on a farm there. Attended
Goddard College in Vermont (1958-63), graduated BA in 1963.
Spent one year (1961) in Denmark in work-study program. Job
Training Officer (1964) with Flanner House, Indianapolis.
Alternative service as a conscientious objector to military service
in Laos (1964-67) building wells, water-seal latrines, and a
Did postgraduate studies (1967-72) at the University of the
Philippines, College of Agriculture. Freelance correspondent in the
Philippines.(1969-72) with Dispatch News Service International and
American Report. Freelance writer and researcher in London
(1972-77) with Transnational Research Associates
Co-founder and research director (1978-2005) of CovertAction
Information Bulletin renamed CovertAction Quarterly, Washington,
DC. Staff member (2007-present), Rock Creek Free Press, Bethesda,
MD. Co-editor of two books, "Dirty Work: The CIA in Western Europe"
(1978) and "Dirty Work II: The CIA in Africa" (1980). Have traveled
throughout the Third World.
Read Luis
trial statement