News :: Activism
Gott mit uns (oder nicht?)
If God is with us, who can possibly be against us? Right? - WRONG. This naive thought has not only contributed to the demise of all 9 crusades, but has also ruined empires (i.e. Rome, Napoleonic, Germany, etc.) - is the USA next?

Gott mit uns. Not a bad start. At the very worst it gives us a morale boost and a sense of invincibility. There was a time (not too long ago) where I wrote “American military might does not equal American impunity”.
It just happens that we are at a very difficult time. We all know that hindsight is almost always 20/20, so I’ll only try to use foresight. Other than the change of our political leadership, we also have a democrat’s dominance elsewhere in our other political forums. This is not necessarily a bad thing – as long as we use it well. The obstacles to our prosperity are abnormally difficult. All Hell broke loose when it was decided we should bail out the financial institutions, after which Detroit can pan-handling – all right, who’s next? I have a nasty feeling this not the end of the bail-outs. If we, the ordinary folk have to bail out all those that flew their private jets and spent winters in Aspen or St. Moritz, Summers at St. Tropez etc. what do we do about lack of medical help for our own population, what do we do about our poor state of education, what about healthcare, Medicare, etc. etc.? See where that is going? We are drilling nails into our own coffin. I admit it is much easier to criticize and much harder to offer a way out – but in this particular case I have some semblance of an idea how to bail OURSELVES out – first and foremost.
Here are some good starting points:
1. Stop bailing out the big bucks. If they go bust – let them go bust, they are obviously not economically sustainable – end of story.
2. Impose import tariffs on countries that subsidize their economies, use child labor, etc.
3. If Toyota in Georgetown KY. Can be profitable (and we know that GM owns a small portion of that), what’s stopping GM from recovering in Detroit? Back to work boys. No more whining – no more handouts.
4. Stop our military build-up and the silly desire to operate as globo-cop. We’ve been more wrong than anybody cares to admit.
5. Let’s get a newer New Deal
6. Increase in taxes is definitely not a solution – it’s a sign of desperation and a last resort.
7. Organize a serious dissent (John Birch society, Neo-confederate alliances), get our soldiers back home.
8. Face the ugly truth that Islam is not a religion but a cult. Last year it was Hezbollah from Syria firing rockets into Israeli civilians, this year it’s Hamas firing from Gaza; next week they’ll fire from Jordan or Egypt. They showed us their true face at the Attocha train station in Madrid, WTC in NYC, Kosovo, Chechnya, London public transit (buses), riots in Paris France, killing of Theo VanGogh in Holland, etc. etc. Isn’t it about time we re-embraced Christianity and its values
And back to “Gott mit uns”. This folly is one of the first signs of moral decline, decadence, hubris and a tragic fatal flaw. How can anybody hope to read God’s mind? Let alone claim that God Is with us – when we live in an obviously Godless society? Pride goeth before the fall.