The governor Roberto Requiao sent a letter to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. In the document, In the document, Requiao says that the Government of Paraná officially supports the implementation of the National Conference of Communication. The president must sign, until December 31, a decree calling the conference - just so it can be held in 2009

The struggle for Communication II Think globally, act locally!
There is no democracy without democratic communication. The governor Roberto Requiao sent a letter to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. In the document, Requiao says that the Government of Paraná officially supports the implementation of the National Conference of Communication. We are all together on this ship in danger that is the planet Earth
Requiao sends letter to Lula supporting the National Conference of Communication
The governor Roberto Requiao sent a letter to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. In the document, In the document, Requiao says that the Government of Paraná officially supports the implementation of the National Conference of Communication. The president must sign, until December 31, a decree calling the conference - just so it can be held in 2009. The event, which wants to discuss the democratization of the Brazilian media, is a proposal of entities from around the country
In the letter, Requiao writes that the right to information is "vital and inseparable from the full exercise of citizenship and democracy." "A society can only be called democratic when the different voices, opinions and cultures have the space to manifest itself. Therefore, we'll never be able to build a Brazil of our dreams - soaring, developed, happy, more just and equal - without democratization of information, "argues.
The governor said that he supports the conference on Wednesday, when he met in Curitiba, the President of the Syndicate of Journalists of Parana, Aniel Almeida, the director of Corporate Defense of The Syndicate, Marcio Rodrigues, and Rachel Bragatto of Brazilian Media Collective / Intervozes. The three are part of the Committee for the National Conference at Paraná state. After the meeting, Requiao recorded request to be transmitted in Parana Educational Radio and TV, and put the public broadcasters available to the State Committee.
In an official note Requiao reaffirms the commitment of the Government of Parana with the entities seeking the creation of the event. "In addition to ask President Lula the convening of the conference, the government of Parana, now is placed at the disposal of organizations that have mobilized for conducting the meeting. The whole structure of our communication, especially the Parana RTVE, will provide the possible support to the achievement of the conference and debate on the issue, "he says.
ISSUES - The committees will be formed after officially convening the meeting. They should raise the main problems in every state and discuss in the Conference, proposals for improvements. He said that the Paraná's Committee already addressed, among other things, the system of public concessions, the situations of community radios and TVs, the domain of large sections of the media by politicians and the content served by private TVs, in addition to the proposal for a regulatory framework for journalism.
Accordingly, Requiao writes in the letter to the president that only the freedom of expression is not enough. "We need to ensure the widest possible freedom to communicate. Monopoly of information and democracy are antagonistic, and sooner or later, repel each other." The governor also said that the country is ready for this debate. "We do not search the confrontation. We want to grow, progress, and we want the universal rights," he says.
In the document, Requiao notes that the federal government launched a series of conferences - the cities, Health, Youth and the LGBT movement - to encourage the advancement and consolidation of democracy in the country Such events, he says, have become forums for discussion, resulting in suggestions for public policy.
"In saw the success of these initiatives, so I add the voice of Parana the the voices of dozens of organizations and thousands of Brazilians who call for the convening of the National Conference of Communication," says Requiao. The governor says that Executive, Legislative, Judicial, prosecutors, civil society, business, in short, all must met to debate the democratization of media. "Certainly, this widespread and diverse representativity is a guarantee of a democratic conference democratic, legitimate and intended for success," he adds.
In the note of support to the event, the governor said that there was progress in consolidating the rights of citizens, but that we must enlarge the exercise of freedom in the practice of democracy, where is the right to inform and be informed. "Without the censorship of political convenience, the business interests of the market game, or of corporatism. Democratize, universalizing the media, making them accessible to everyone," he says.
The Paraná's Committee, created in October this year for hearing in the Legislative Assembly, consists of more than 18 entities, as Board of Psychology, National Federation of Journalists, APP Union, Coordination of Social Movements and Sole Workers Central, among other institutions.