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Poems Against War: A Reading
at the Hamilton Arts Collective
5440 Harford Road; Baltimore, Maryland
Dec. 19, 2008, Friday starting at 8 P.M.,
$5 Donation
Poems Against War editor Gregg Mosson is proud to present the new issue of the journal “Poems Against War: Ars Poetica,” and two featured authors from Baltimore and Washington D.C.: Patric Pepper, author of Temporary Apprehensions (WWPH, 2005); and Reginald Harris, author of 10 Tongues (Three Conditions Press, 2001).
The journal has been publishing since 2003 and has an online presence at In the current seventh issue, Vietnam veteran Jerome Julius writes:
by Jerome Julius
Shanghaied by color,
Shanghaied by lack of economic choices,
Shanghaied by social class,
Clubbed by neo-impressors,
Lured by promises of liberation
But bounded by new constraints, they
Agree to swear allegiance
Seeking clarification of life,
Facing death.
The reading on Dec. 19, 2008 is part of the new 3rd Friday Nights PerVERSE series hosted by Julie Fisher of The $5 cover is a fundraiser for the Hamilton Arts Collective and Poems Against War, the journal. An open mic and surprise raffle also will be included in this fun evening
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