Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Activism

Commuter Attacked By DC Cops

Earlier this morning (8:20 to 8:38) John McGill, a consultant for the Agency for International Development (does work in technology transfer and international development) and a friend were bicycling to work when they crossed in front of the Marriot Metro Hotel. They encoutnered some protesters and Chief Ramsey and motercylce cops. They tried to get out and Chief Ramsey said "You don't have lights on your bike." They responded "It's daytime" and Ramsey said "You don't have horns" and then the police moved. The police moved in, knocked down the woman cyclist and beat her. The officer who was most directly resposible was identified by McGill as W. C. Harris. After the woman was subdued McGill put his hands up in a kind of victory celebration.

An AP photographer's photo of the incident is on Yahoo news.

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