Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Baltimore MD

Read Street Demolition - Demolition of our City

why destroying that beautiful office building on Read Street is insane.
Why is Baltimore's Ruling Elite so merciless with Baltimore's architecture?


The loss of the beautiful addition to Read Street (the former office building that is being evidently prepped for demolition) is another example of brilliant architecture being destroyed for short-term profit.

How could any architect possibly devise a better inner-city corner building than this? It is functional, elegant, and dramatically escalates the setting. This in turn sustains the property values of every owner of nearby and adjacent units.

Judging by that unbelievably monstrous addition to Charles Street (the dead-on-arrival, White Elephant from Planet XGR35 commonly known as Twelve09 North Charles), the plan right now is burn it; burn this city, do what was done to it in 1904; completely destroy every part of our skyline that's unique and historic; replacing it with the kind of totally cheesy corporate development (that makes Towson and Laurel low price real estate zones, a big reason these places also have so many indicators of social decay).

The biggest reason that demolishing the beautiful Read Street office building is crazy is there could be more MORE profit to be had for the corporate/private interests (who are hovering over that location) if a more sensible approach was adopted.

If the building could be kept, but franchises leased it, it would be a win-win situation. Just as in Europe. They do NOT destroy beautiful architecture. They allow McDonalds and all sorts of commercial development to utilize great buildings but the catch is that have to preserve the building facades.

The new cheesy development actually lowers the profit margin for the interests coming in. Imagine if the building were kept and whatever (the Mayor/Struever Bros wants there) moves in, but retains the building's facade? Guess what: The corporate entity becomes more valuable. The building gets associated with the corporation's identity. The property gets associated with it. The long-term stability of this relationship is ideal for the private interests.

The Taliban-like demolition (i.e., priceless architecture being replaced with the cheesiest architecture imaginable) taking place in Baltimore right now is totally idiotic from the point of view of corporate America making money and reasserting its place in society.

Destroying buildings like the one at the corner of Read Street is like committing suicide: there's no turning back--for everyone here (even the Mayor/Struever Bros).


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