Japanese Romance
Poems from the Books of the Nameless Love

Harry Hay: His Pedophile Bibliography.
the Nessie Files
Note to the reader:
In recent years I have noted Harry Hays pedophile background and objected to ways in which he associates "man-boy love" with anarchist thought. I regard the matter as a simple observation of an author's published work.
Harry Hay , (1945- ). The two names are cross-referenced in many library catalogs, including that of the New York Public Library. This bibliography should provide background material for further discussion. Perhaps the television producers, editors, event sponsors, and commentators, who warmly associate with Harry Hay but who decline to publicly acknowledge the ethical issue, will do some reading and re-examine their position. All readers will understand Harry Hay's inevitable child-references more clearly after checking his more carefully circulated work.
--- Paris, December 2004
Articles in the NAMBLA Bulletin
[NAMBLA Bulletin is published by the North American Man-Boy Love Association. This is a partial list of Hay'sarticles for the magazine. Original copies can be viewed at the Special Collections Department, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (United States).]
Harry Hay. "Japanese Scarf" (poem, reprinted from Seditious Delicious)
NAMBLA Bulletin, Jul-Aug 1989
--"Poem" NAMBLA Bulletin, Jan-Feb 1988
--"Five Conceptual Art Projects" NAMBLA Bulletin, Apr. 1987
--"My Political Beliefs" NAMBLA Bulletin, June 1985.
--"Association for Ontological Anarchism, Communique #2."
NAMBLA Bulletin, Jul-Aug 1986
--"The Face of God" NAMBLA Bulletin, Dec. 1986
--"The Eroticism of Banal Architecture" NAMBLA Bulletin, Jan-Feb 1987
--"Chaos Theory and the Nuclear Family" NAMBLA Bulletin, Mar. 1987
--"Divine Folly Indulges Pagan Passion" NAMBLA Bulletin, Nov. 1987
--"China Sea Post-Card" NAMBLA Bulletin, Mar. 1987
Articles in Gayme
[This is a partial list of Harry Hay articles for the magazine. Further citations are difficult to gather due to legal issues relating to its contents (Gayme was involved in obscenity lawsuits). The Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives at Toronto preserves the title but will not allow scanning or copying of its pages.]
Harry Hay. "Contemplation of the unbearded." Gayme vol.1, no.1, 1993, pp. 16-21.
-- "Temporary Autonomous Zone." Gayme vol.2, no.1, 1994, pp. 26-28
-- "Pirate Utopias." Gayme vol.2, no.2, 1995, pp. 20-23
-- "What do we do now?" Gayme vol.3, no.1, 1996, pp. 8-11
-- "The music of what happens." Gayme vol.3, no.2, 1997, pp. 6-9
O Tribe That Loves Boys: The Poetry of Abu Nuwas (1993). [translation and biographical essay by Harry Hay, pub. by Entimos Press, Amsterdam]
Harry Hay. "Boy-Love Novel Still Relevant 100 Years On" [a review of Fenny Skaller and Other Poems from the Books of the Nameless Love by the German anarchist John Henry Mackay] NAMBLA Bulletin, Apr. 1989
"Japanese Romance on The House of Kanze by Noboku Albery"
NAMBLA Bulletin, Apr.-May 1987
Harry Hay(editor) Loving Boys: Semiotext(e) Special. New York, 1980
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