News :: Biotechnology
goooooooddddd....everyone is waking up now...israel owns us, and until
they are eradicated,they will continue to deploy mind control as
environmental modification, underthe guise of rainmaking and
BENEFIT...which is just another way ofshoring up their paper...they
are not americans, and they are responsible for this program of mind
control and behaviour modification....b
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Chemtrails have been remarkably absent from the desert sky for weeks
seemingly LOCKSTEP with the economic "crisis focus". Despite varying
weather conditions - dew point, humidity, aridity, temperatures,
pollution, location of the jet stream, et al - AND no abatement
whatsoever of military, commercial, or private aircraft flight
patterns, there simply were no chemtrails. NOT ONE.
This morning, the wispy insidious nemesis has once again been laid out
above the desert denizens. COINCIDENTALLY ...? ... the barium
bluesters appear to have been given the overt go-ahead with this Black
Budget Project which sickeningly coincides with the US Senate YES vote
on the bankster bailout. With the US House vote due tonight, it may
indeed appear to the crooksters a mere formality.
There are NO Coincidences - the CIA Internal Chant rings ever so
brashly now if even in my own mind.
ANYONE who attributes chemtrails to more air traffic or atmospheric
conditions is nothing but dead wrong.
Most people really don't want to run after the tiger's tail too long
with so many personal affairs to tend to and concede that the whole
chemtrail matter of concern belongs to the aluminum hat folks or
uneducated dopes who have nothing better to do than find a conspiracy
lurking around and above and below any possible given Thing.
My contention is that the chemtrail program stopped completely during
this "crisis" of banksters' greed, ursurpation of public money, and
relocation of Wall Street Power to Washington, DC but now that there's
a Done Deal for all of that, the smarmy legions of barium bluesters
that foster no concern for the rest of mankind are back on track
laying out their tracks ... Again.
I defy anyone to explain and disprove this NOXIOUS CONNECTION.