Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Class

Changing the Rules to Keep the Ruling Class in the Drivers Seat

A better solution is to cancel all debt.
The leaders of the parasite class want to change the rules. Their irresponsible orgy of economic rape has reaching the point of unsustainability and now they want the victims to hand over their children's earnings to sustain the campaign of economic rape. They've got Congress up against the wall just before an election, their pants are down, and the general call is "Close your eyes and think of Uncle Sam." The economic rapists want to cut out the middle man and use the government itself to plunder the people. If Congress does not fork over our futures, the parasite class threatens economic collapse.

I'm all for changing the rules. The rules have long been in favor of the parasite class. Let's do what the corporate titans ask for in reverse. We're told that if we don't drop our pants for Wall Street, we'll all be losing our homes. Rather than robbing from the workers and handing everything over to the corporate gamblers, let's just erase all debts. Let's demand of Wall Street that which Wall Street is demanding of us. No, Wall Street, we will not fork over our futures to you. It is you who will fork over your futures to us. If the goal is to not convert this nation into a nation of homeless, then cancel the debts and give the houses to the people! How is this less unreasonable than Wall Street's demand?

"Oh, but that would be socialism," Wall Street moans. Yes, perhaps it would be, but what Wall Street is asking for is fascism. Is Wall Street finally admitting that fascism is as American as bunker busters, napalm, and greed?

We are also told that unless we hand nearly a trillion dollars over to the corporatists, there will be no more loans and no more loans mean no more jobs. I'd like to remind Wall Street that in a sane economy banks lend depositors' money, not tax money. Depositors, in a sane economy, have money to deposit because they have jobs. Wall Street has outsourced our jobs. An economy based on borrowing will blow up, as it is doing right now. The best we will achieve by handing nearly a trillion dollars over to Wall Street is a larger economic collapse at a slightly later time. If Wall Street is concerned about jobs, then Wall Street should be encouraging manufacturing right here at home. Those of us who work for a living are the true bedrock of this economy. The fact that Wall Street now needs to use the government to rob us in order to fuel its greed proves that Wall Street has destroyed that bedrock.

I've heard the argument that unless we bail out the financial industry, "workers" such as Real Estate agents, mortgage brokers, loan officers, and Wall Street traders will be out of work. Sorry if I cry crocodile tears on that one, but these workers should find real jobs. Moving money around, scheming on how to take advantage of someone who works for a living, providing vulture capital, and bleeding percentages of purchases are not productive activities. These activities are parasitical. These same people did nothing as the jobs of factory workers, technology workers, and telecommunications workers were sent overseas. It's time for them to face the consequences of their greedy ideology.

We've reached a critical point in the history of American capitalism. It is now that we should be out on the streets demanding that Wall Street gets what it deserves: loss of its assets. They gambled and lost. They believe in social Darwinism, so let them experience it first hand.

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